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The ride was quiet.
Miri didn't like the atmosphere.
But it was more comfortable this way.

Her Mom couldn't dare look at her eyes since yesterday. How could she?

This is all because of her.
I'll take my revenge........


Reason 4:

The dinner table was well laid out. The plates, cutlery, napkins and plain old noodles.


Miri's Mom scooped up a large amount and put it on her plate.

"So Miri, what about school?", her Mom asked as Miri was about to stuff her mouth.

"What about it?"

"You know.... just... did something happen? Tell me about the new club you joined. How is it? Are the members treating you well?"

"It's fine"

Her Mom was clearly annoyed. But she tried her best to hide it.

" You told me that it was an exploration club. Did you guys go anywhere?"

Miri was silent.

She fiddled with the fork, twirling it to form a huge bundle. She raised the fork and stuffed as much her mouth could hold. She then looked up to her Mother.

She expected her to be more irritated but was surprised to see her Mother keeping calm.

Her Mom didn't touch her food. She stared longingly waiting for Miri to finish what was in her mouth.

Miri, not wanting to keep up the conversation, quickly started twirling to form a bigger bundle.

"Is Zeke still in the club?"

Miri's eyes shot up.

It was you. Wasn't it?

Miri angrily stood up. It was clear that her Mom was the reason Zeke was kicked out of the club.

Her expression said it all. The sadistic gaze with a slight smirk.
She was not trying to hide it at all.

He is just a friend. Why couldn't she accept that?

"What did you do?" Miri spat out.
Her eyes fiery with rage. Her Mom let out a slight chuckle. This angered Miri even more as she clutched the fork like she's about to stab something.

"I didn't do anything. I just guessed it. I told you the boy was trouble, yet you trusted him anyway."



"How could you suspect your own  mother? What did he do to you? You completely changed. Where's my sweet daughter who always listens to her Mom," her Mom extended her hand to caress Miri's cheek. But Miri was not having it anymore.

"STOP IT, MOM," Miri roared as she pushed her Mom's hand away. Her Mom was startled. 

"You don't treat your mom like this"

"How could you do this to him. Did you spread that awful rumor?
Despicable. I never expected this from you Mom," Miri's eyes started to tear up.

"What are you accusing me of doing? I don't know anything about it until you said it." Her Mom tried to play it cool. "Just think of this as a gift from above. Don't stress yourself. It's all for your own good."

"Are you even human?" Tears poured down her face.

"MIRI..... "

Her Mom grabbed her arms and tightened her grip.

"LISTEN YOUNG LADY. If you raise your voice at me once again. I'll make sure that you'll stay grounded for the rest of your life.


He brainwashed you so much that you started hating your own parents. I'll do anything to keep the boy away from you. So just shut up and don't bring up this topic when dad comes home. If you don't obey, trust me, it will be the last time you'll see daylight."

The sound of the car whirring up the driveway was enough to alert the people inside the house.

"Eat . And wipe your face."

Her Mom quickly shifted her gaze to a pleasant one.

Miri was perplexed, shaken to the core. She knew that it wasn't a false threatening. Her Mom would really do that. Since when was Mom....... so frightening.


Miri let out a jerk. Her phone was buzzing.


The phone slipped off her hand and fell.

Her Mom turned to her.

Miri felt like a truck hit her. Tears were unstoppable. She plopped down the chair and wailed as loud as she could. Her Mom held her as she was shaking hard. She couldn't believe it.


Zeke's dead.

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