scorbus: hanahaki disease (pt 4.5)

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week 4.5: 新しいページ - a new page

Needless to say, Albus didn't take the news very well.

Although Scorpius himself felt a great weight lifted from his dragging shoulders; Albus had seemingly gained the baggage instead of it being dissipated - the corners of his lips permanently downturned and his cheeks turning paler by the day.
Often, Scorpius would find him researching the disease alone. It became slightly obsessive; Albus would cancel plans to spend time in the library, he wouldn't even recognise Scorpius when he stood by his side offering to accompany him to lunch or Quidditch practise, let alone friends who he used to laugh with every day.

Keyword: used to.

Thick books, ink stains and numerous pieces of parchment full of messy handwriting scattered Albus' desk in the dormitory. A quick peek at the coffee-stained notes proved that he was desperately trying to find ways for the lover to help the victim of Hanahaki disease.

Keyword: victim

December 18th, 2021, the last day of school before the winter holidays. On this day, it snowed. Lots.
    Classes were cancelled and various students rushed out into the freezing temperatures to enjoy their final day at Hogwarts, with Scorpius staring longingly out of the window.

"Please, Albus?"
      "Don't you think you're a little sick to go out in that cold?" For once Albus had taken a break from his vigorous researching at the request of Scorpius - he was now laying on his bed with his head supported by his hands, watching as his best friend scoffed.
     "Oh please! I love the snow." They met eyes. "Let me experience it one last time."

The casual use of 'one last time' made the Potter cringe and glare hard at the blonde boy.
"Don't talk like that!" His sudden outburst stopped Scorpius in his tracks, an air of shock surrounding him and the tension rising the light hairs on his arms.

"There's still time to get the surgery, Scorpius." Quieter, he spoke with his hair falling in front of his eyes as he looked down.

     "...You already know how I feel about that. I'm going out, whether you like it or not!"

"Scorpius for Merlin's sake-!"


The look of pure happiness and joy on his face as he made his way outside made Albus rethink his decision. As Scorpius wrapped himself tightly in his own scarf, Albus' scarf and his own coat, his eyes lit up when a single snowflake landed on his outstretched palm.
His legs collapsed and he sat in the snow - much to his friend's despair - tracing the delicate curves of the snowflake in his pink hand.
His joy died suddenly, the snowflake having melted, and he stood up. Without brushing the snow from his legs he ran off in search of more snowflakes with blushed cheeks and sparkling eyes, much like a child.

Albus smiled genuinely for the first time in a while.

"I guess I shouldn't stop you from being happy, Scor."

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