drarry: neighours

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{this takes place in a muggle world, where draco and harry only know each other because they are neighbours. they are also adults}

Draco let a content sigh leave his lips. This was like a perfect morning, as he sat watching the sunrise and reading 'And Then There Were None' by Agatha Christie, with a cup of tea steaming beside him. His favourite part of his apartment was easily his balcony. Living on the eleventh floor had its perks, beautiful views of the city being one of them.
The sun greeted Draco's eyes with luscious shades of yellow and cotton-candy pink. It was quiet, too early for anyone to be awake.
Until Draco's ears perked up, instantly aware of a noise too unusual to just be a phenomenon of nature. It was... someone singing?
Yes, he could hear it properly now. The sound of water droplets pounding against plastic and glass, sometimes the ostinato was disturbed by someone moving underneath it. The loud, clear song echoed around the rows of sky-high apartments as the notes that were hit by an angelic voice rung in the air.
Draco's neighbour, Harry Potter, was singing. In the shower.
And god, did it sound beautiful.
The song, which Draco later recognised as Falling like the stars by James Arthur, was a perfect match for Harry's light and carefree voice, with his deep tone being an added luxury; the deeper notes being hit sent shivers running down Draco's spine.
The song was amplified as it echoed, ricocheting among the tall buildings and large trees. But it felt as if no-one in the entire world but Draco was listening, because the whole city was caught in a deep slumber, only Draco and Harry were crazy enough to wake up at this time as a choice.
Sometimes when you're unconscious you really miss out on some magnificent things.
Draco had an idea, a wide grin spreading across his face as he got up. The smile fell away quickly as his head started to spin and he gripped onto the chair; he had stood up too quickly. Going inside his flat to grab his phone, he passed a leftover pizza slice from last nights dinner staring him in the eyes.

'Might as well.' Draco shrugged and brought the pizza along with him on his expedition.

Back outside, Draco sat down and leaned back slightly. He giggled to himself; 'might as well get comfy. I'm in it for the long run.'

harry's point of view:

Harry blinked and looked at his phone. A message from... Draco? What did Draco Malfoy want to do with him, they hardly ever spoke!
Draco Malfoy was Harry's neighbour; a sometimes slightly rude, sarcastic man who would play his depressing music very loudly, very late at night. He reminded Harry of a teenager, but he was usually pretty nice and easy to deal with. They even exchanged numbers, and sometimes sent cat gifs to each other. The last gif Harry sent to him was of a kitten playing a few notes on the piano.
Harry opened the message.

'blondie' sent you a video.
'blondie' is typing...
'blondie' sent:
- hello neighbour! nice morning to take a shower, eh? loved the singing by the way! it really added a nice touch to the start of my day;)

Harry's green eyes widened as he listened to his own voice playing from his phone. He ran his fingers through his damp hair as he started to panic, not knowing what to do about it. No-one had ever heard him sing before. A bubble formed in his throat as the anxiety started to sink in, over what may have seemed like a little thing, but Harry's voice was precious to him. Something he only used when around people he was comfortable with.
He looked back over at his phone as it lit up again.

   'blondie' is typing...
'blondie' sent you a message.

Harry sighed as he picked up his warm phone again, typing in the password and seeing the messages appear on the screen before him.

'blondie' sent:
- you do have a nice voice though. just saying.

Harry blushed slightly, a pink hue building in his cheeks.

draco's point of view:

Draco smirked as he looked at the messages, yet again. Harry finally finished typing.

'the oblivious guy' is typing...
'the oblivious guy' sent:
- thanks, but don't film me next time! >:0

Draco grinned.
'What a dumbass.'

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