harry x reader - i need you here

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Y/N = your name

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Oh my god are you okay?" A very pale and frightened Harry ran into my view, falling to his knees and gathering me in his arms. "Why the hell are you here? You scared me by sending your location with no text out of nowhere!"
I wince and groan, Harry's bright emerald eyes slowly drift to my stomach. They widen as he sees thick red liquid oozing between my stained fingers.
"I'll... I'll be okay." I try to smile. Harry doesn't smile back, why did I even think that he would in this situation?
"Tell me what happened! And why-" He tries to use healing spells on me, aggressively shaking his wand to the point that I'm worried he'll snap it in half, "-why won't my goddamn spells work on it! No, no, no! Dammit all!" Harry pulls chunks of his hair in worry.
"Hey, hey. Relax. Remember what I've always told you? Panicking in these situations doesn't get you anywhere." I take a deep breath in and a deep breath out, demonstrating how it should be done - desperately trying to ignore the searing pain in my belly. He does the same, thankfully not noticing how my own breath hitches.
"Okay. Okay. But tell me what happened now." He looks me in the eye and I see the worry and pain he has pushed down deep within, trying to tend to my needs before acting selfishly. Well done, Harry. That's a new skill you've learned.

"All I know is that a man, judging by his voice, c-came up to me and asked for money. When I said no, h-he turned me around and stabbed me. I never saw his face though, I was too... Occupied." I curse at the fact that I've already started to stutter. Not a good sign.
"Right, so if it wasn't a spell, why can't I heal you?!"
"I don't know, m-maybe it was a cursed knife. O-or a spell put on it." I continue to look into his eyes extra determined, not showing signs of fear to calm him down. I still need to ready him for the future so he doesn't go ballistic when it happens.
"Harry. I'm going to die- no! You know it and so do I! Don't give me that look! It'll... It'll j-just make things harder..." I look at the ground, not wanting to see his broken expression. "I know you want to save me, but these wounds are deep. Fatal. You can't get me to a hospital in time - we're in an empty street in the middle of nowhere!"
He cursed.
"Why. Why does this always happen to the people I love? You of all people!" I gasp quietly as I see his tears hit the floor that's sticky with my blood. "I can never save them! First Sirius, now you?? I'll always be left to pick up the broken pieces." He whispers the end, voice cracking in agony. I wince again, at the sound of his hurt this time.
"Harry." I remove my hand from my clothes and place it on his cheek, looking directly into his watery eyes. "Death is a part of life. Maybe it's a curse, maybe it's a b-blessing. All I know is that you've had a tragic life and l-lost too many people t-t-too early on, I hate to add to the long list of n-names. But everyone has a time to go. My time is now." I smile gently and his realisation kicks in.
"But (Y/N), I don't- I don't know what I could do without you. I need you here." He whispers and I lean my forehead so it touches his.

"Just promise that you'll remember me, and I promise that I'll remember you. I can't wait to meet your parents.
I'll wait for you love."

Extra ending! ~

"Oh, (Y/N)." Harry chuckles lightly with his eyes closed, bathing in her warm touch. "I could never forget you. Of course I'll remember. Not sure you will though - you have a memory like a goldfish."


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