scorbus - hanahaki disease (pt1)

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week 1: 実現 - realisation
December 1st. The school hallways dead quiet, lessons part-way finished. Through the desolate Slytherin common room and up a set of winding stairs, two boys sat doing their homework. Or rather, one boy was doing his homework - the other one was sitting on the floor, shining green eyes watching the first years flying lessons through a condensation-filled window, a rather bored expression on his face.
Scorpius and Albus both had free periods: deciding to spend the hour with the closest friend either of them could think of. Scorpius had three essays to write, all conveniently due on the same day, whereas Albus had no homework at all - having already finished his the night before.
Silver eyes flicked across fresh parchment as Scorpius' quill danced across the page, not noticing the boy behind reaching for a package under his bed and groaning slightly at the stretch of his aching body.
The silence - interrupted only by the noise of a scratching quill furiously writing words upon words - was broken by the soft strumming of guitar strings. Scorpius transferred his attention to the noise being created next to his ear, which was practically perking up at the welcoming sound.
Albus was playing the guitar: humming slightly to the chorus of a song Scorpius couldn't recognise. His long eyelashes fluttered as he closed his eyes, swaying his body slightly, starting to enjoy the song. He was completely lost in the world of music.
His humming grew louder and the originally soft playing of the strings changed to a more upbeat tempo, Scorpius looked down at Albus with wonder in his eyes.

This boy... since when could you play the guitar?

A flash of green came into Scorpius' vision as Albus opened his eyes, locking onto his own and grinning slightly at the awestruck look on his pale features.
Albus looked happy. He looked free.

I think I'm in love with you.

"Scorpius? How was the song?" Scorpius was brought back to reality as the guitar stopped playing and Albus' dreamy voice could be heard instead.
"It... it was great, man! When did you get a guitar?"
"Mum got it for my birthday. She says she wants some musical talent in the family, I only learned one song though." His signature grin flashed across his face again and Scorpius lit up at the sight.
"Maybe that was a nice choice made by Mrs.Potter then; you're quite gifted you know."


Scorpius was left alone with his thoughts in the cold dormitory as Albus left for Potions, Scorpius skipping Ancient Runes on a whim that this particular lesson wouldn't be important in his future anyway.
He sighed and stood up, cracking his back and curling his wrists in an attempt to stretch them. Making his way over to the window Albus was daydreaming out of moments earlier, he rested an arm on the window sill and let his mind wonder.
After a while, he felt a strong urge to cough. Leaning his head into his elbow, he began coughing intensely, feeling lots of pain up his stomach and into his throat.
Hm, maybe I'm developing a cold?
Straightening up his elbow and leaning back against the window, something fluttered to the floor and caught Scorpius' observant eye. He leant down to inspect the object, picking it up with two fingers and bringing it to the sunlight to double-check his first conclusion.

A single, white rose petal; streaked in red from what he could only assume was blood.

His own blood. The petal had come from his throat.

What the-? What the fuck?


The next few days were spent researching. And researching. And more researching. Scorpius hadn't told anyone of his experience, not wanting to bother busy people with his troubles. Not a single file was found on 'coughing up rose petals', or a single book in the entire Hogwarts library. He was spending so much extra time in the library that Scorpius suspected even the librarian was starting to get suspicious of his pale face, wide eyes and sweaty forehead as he violently flicked through books on gardening and herbology.

Scorpius sighed quietly as he walked along the corridors; being kept behind yet again in Ancient Runes to discuss his lack of interest in the subject and lessons. The only thing on his mind was the thought of seeing Albus in the dining hall, he hadn't been able to speak much with him lately after countless late nights and early mornings on his behalf, using as much time as he could to find out why in Merlin's name a rose petal had made it's way into his throat. He had gained another one only yesterday; the process of getting it out of his stomach being painful and slow.
The pace of his walk quickened and he rolled his eyes as Scorpius passed a bunch of girls huddled in a circle, discussing something in loud whispers and excited tones.
"-Apparently it's a disease that makes you vomit flowers! I would wish for a rose, imagine-"

"It's a disease that makes you what?" Scorpius whipped around and confronted the curly-haired girl who she squeaked quietly at the sudden conversation.
"U-Uhh, a disease that makes you vomit flowers. It's called Hanahaki Disease." The other girls turned to look at Scorpius, who's colour had drained from his face and was biting his nails anxiously.

Hanahaki Disease...

"Is there anything else you needed?" Another girl with brown hair and heterochromia spoke up, giving Scorpius a sharp look and scoffing as he started mumbling under his breath. "Anyway, as you were saying-"

"It's coughing up flowers, not vomiting them."

"-I'm sorry?"

The boy, however, did not answer. He was long gone - walking swiftly away in the direction that he came with wide eyes and quickened breath.

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