james+sirius - desperate

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this isn't a james+sirius ship by the way, it's just bromance:) have fun! - author

2AM. Frantic knocking at the front door.
James cursed, a small sigh leaving his chapped lips as he rushed down the stairs to answer before his parents awoke.
"Look, man. I don't know why you're knocking at my door but I think you're at the wrong house. You're probably drunk so maybe try the next door alon-" His sentence ended as he looked up to finally make eye contact with the person on his doorstep.

"Sirius?! What the fuck are you doing here?" He yelped, grabbing his hand and yanking Sirius inside to get a better look at his face.
He was beaten up, a broken expression on his handsome features. Tears stained his muddy cheeks, there were leaves in his messy hair, his chest was heaving rapidly like he was having a panic attack. He looked like he'd been in some sort of fight. Worst of all, his eyes. His eyes weren't the same, there was a different aura about them that when James looked into his grey orbs, all he could see was pain.
"Sirius, why are you here? You live so far away! Did you run all this way or get the Knight Bus? Why are you so messed up? What happened out there?" James bombarded Sirius with questions at first, and realised that probably wasn't what Sirius needed at that point in time. Sirius was struggling to get his words out - having a difficult time to get enough oxygen into his lungs, let alone speak.

"Hey, hey, hey. Look, why don't you sit down? I'll make you some tea." He said softly, guiding the boy to the kitchen table and putting a comforting hand on his back, trying to calm him down as much as he could.
With his back turned and hands busy with the kettle, James could hear Sirius' heaving sobs as he collapsed onto the table in a fit of tears. He had never seen Sirius quite like this.

James sat down opposite Sirius, quietly sliding the mug over to him.
After another five minutes, Sirius had finally calmed down enough to speak, still hiccuping as he talked.
"I-I had to leave. *hiccup* I couldn't st-stay there." He sniffed, letting his hand fall onto the table.
"Do you mean you had to leave home? Was it... Was it your dad? Did he hurt you?" James whispered the last part. More silence.
"W-We got into another fight. But this one was more... more *hiccup* intense." He rested his forehead next to the warm mug.
James watched silently, willing him to continue.
"He started talking about... About Reg again. He was saying that I was a disappointment compared to him and that, that I could never live up to his standards." James sighed, having heard this come from Sirius' mouth too many times before.
"Reg wasn't home to stop him this time James. H-he hit me James. He hit me."
Sirius' words impacted James like he had been shot by a bullet, his chest physically retracting in pain.
"Oh my god mate. I can't fucking believe that asshole." He was angry, ready to jump up and walk to Sirius' dad right then and there - ready to smack the living daylights out of him for what he had done. James regained control over his emotions quickly, for his friend's sake. "Did he do anything else, say anything else?"
"He said I was a disgrace."
Although this was not the first time that James had heard Sirius tell him of the word 'disgrace' being thrown around in the Black household, for some reason, this time hit the most. Maybe it was the way Sirius said it, the sheer and utter pain that could be heard, the uncontrolled quiver at the end of the sentence, the piercing look of fear in his wide eyes as they made contact with James' own.
That did it. It flipped the switch. James got up slowly, and walked over to Sirius in silence. He pulled him up and into a bone-crushing hug.
Sirius burst into tears again, as James' ears practically smoked.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I just had no idea where to go. There's nowhere else that I can go." He whispered into James' ear inaudibly.
James comforted him without using words, afraid that if he did he would accidentally lose control once again.
In silence. He seethed in silence for the sake of his best friend. The rage slowly covering his entire body until his light and happy aura was no more; a dark, bottomless, rage-filled black hole replacing it.

You will fucking pay. You will pay for making Sirius feel like this.

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