Chapter One

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Andreas woke up to a man in a suit towering over him. More accurately, his boss. And he wasn't in the hall of that rich guy's building anymore, but on the hardwood floor of his bosses office.

"Shit." he muttered, rubbing his head.

"Andreas, good morning." his boss greeted him with a venomous smile. Andreas got up, straightening his jacket and shirt.

"Do you want to explain why I found you unconscious on the floor?" his boss questioned, and Andreas let out an anxious breath.

"I'm sorry, sir. He was there." Andreas tried to offer. His boss knew who he meant by "he".

"Jayce? Really? Jayce Leuth stopped you?" his boss went around the desk, sitting down and motioning for Andreas to sit.

His boss was a short man, shorter than Andreas. He was short and stocky, and had a very noticeable British accent. He was also a very rich man. His silver hair was slicked back neatly, and his piercing glare bored into Andreas. Andreas sat down, glancing at the two men at the door.

"Last I checked, you had no issues with Mr. Leuth." his boss's tone was sharp. Andreas wiped his hands on his pants, trying to relax.

"I don't have any issues, sir. I can get the job done." Andreas nodded, trying to convince not only his boss but himself.

"I'll give you one last chance, Andreas. But if you screw this up, rest assured I will find out. And you will pay the price." his boss crossed his arms, glaring at him. Andreas nodded again, swallowing nervously.

"You're dismissed. Next time you're in here, it better be because you killed that motherfucker. Now leave." his boss spat, and Andreas got up, walking out of the office. He went out the front door, walking down the stairs to street level.

Arthur Bates was his boss, a rich man with so much money he didn't know what to do with it. Currently, Andreas had been hired to work for some man that had a bone to pick with his target's father. He didn't know names, he only knew descriptions and where to find them.

Of course, he should've seen the Jayce trap before it hit him. He should've known that this kid's dad would hire the best of the best to protect his son. And of course Jayce was the best of the best. That was why they knew one another so well. Jayce was a bodyguard, he had been for years. Andreas wasn't exactly sure how long, but he knew it had been longer than he'd been a hitman. Jayce was already trained and pretty good at his job when they had their first encounter.

Andreas crossed the street, keeping his hands in his pockets and started to find his way back to where he'd parked his car. It was overcast and rainy, and there were people pushing by him.

When he finally got to his car, there was an envelope hidden under his windshield wiper. It was wet and cold, and had clearly been there a while. He grabbed it, getting in his car and opening it.


I honestly kind of thought you'd finally died, I went through a few

clients before you showed your face again. Either way, Lucas

and I are on our way to the airport where I will be flying with him

to our destination. See you there you fucker.


Andreas knew exactly who wrote the letter the moment he read the first line. By the time he reached the end, his suspicions were confirmed. He threw the soggy letter on the passenger seat, letting out an annoyed breath. He started the car, and found the nearest airport on his GPS. Then the farthest. He would go to the farthest first. If he knew Jayce well enough - and he did - Jayce would go to the last place Andreas would think to go. Go as much out of his way as he could.

As he drove, the rain turned into a downpour, leaving the pedestrians outside hurrying for shelter. His fingers reflexively went to click the windshield wipers onto high, and they swung back and forth. He drove down the road in silence, not even the radio was on. It was only the sound of the wipers going back and forth. He came to a stop behind a few cars at a red light, and glanced in his rearview mirror. A dark blue Toyota Corolla was behind him. His eyes went back to the road, before he did a double take, this time going from the mirror to the rear window. Staring at him from the driver's seat was a pair of green eyes, accompanied by a smirk that showed just the slightest bit of teeth.

"Fucking Leuth!" Andreas shouted, putting the car in park and glancing at the light. It was still red, thank god. He glanced back once more, and unbuckled his seatbelt, getting out of the car. He abandoned his car, going back to the blue Toyota Corolla and yanking the drivers side door open. Jayce had already shifted in his seat, and the moment the door swung open, he kicked Andreas in the stomach. Andreas doubled over, wheezing.

Jayce jumped out of the car after kicking Andreas, grabbing a knife. He swung at him, the knife sideways intending to slash him. Andreas saw it coming just in time and stepped back, stumbling a little over his own feet and falling against the curb. His head slammed off the curb, and Jayce hesitated for a second. He almost wanted to drop the knife and make sure Andreas was alright. But he didn't, he stood there over Andreas in the pouring rain. His eyes were closed, and he was limp. Was he dead? Jayce almost went to check for a pulse, and then stopped himself. He stood there, staring at Andreas. The rain continued. The light went green, cars started honking, and eventually going around them. Jayce found himself immobile for a long time, before he put the knife back in the sheath that was strapped to his knee. He poked his head back in his car.

"Don't move, I'll be right back." he instructed Lucas, and then went over to Andreas. He picked him up, only then noticing the small gash in the back of the hitman's head.

"Shit..." he muttered, and dragged Andreas to his car, throwing him in the backseat and getting in the driver's seat. He put the car in drive, going to the convenience store down the road and parking the car. He took the keys out of the ignition, glancing back at Andreas.

"Jackass." he muttered, reaching over to the glove box and getting a first aid kit. He moved to the backseat, letting Andreas lay sideways on the seat and looking at the back of his head.

"Damn, Kagios. You really fucked yourself up." Jayce commented under his breath as he tried to stop the bleeding. He took a moment to be grateful that Andreas kept his hair short, almost totally shaved. He stopped the bleeding, finally, and cleaned and stitched the wound. He got out of the car, shoving Andreas off of him. Blood covered the seats and Jayce, but Andreas was alive.

His car came to a sudden screeching halt in front of him, and he looked to find Lucas in the driver's seat. He got out, going over to Jayce.

"I know you told me not to move-" he started.

"But you moved." Jayce cut him off, adding a death glare to it.

"I'm sorry I moved!" Lucas exclaimed, and suddenly his eyes were pulled away from Jayce and to Andreas.

"Did you just... help the guy that tried to kill me?" Lucas questioned, looking at Jayce.

"It would've looked bad if I didn't help him." Jayce tried to brush it off, going to his car and pulling out his notepad. He grabbed a pen, writing out a quick note and leaving it on Andreas' dashboard.

"Let's move, Mr. Ryder!" Jayce ordered, and Lucas scrambled to get back in the car. Jayce slammed the back door on Andreas' car, and then got in his own car, driving away.

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