Chapter Six

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When Andreas got up the next morning, the car he'd supposedly seen Jayce at was still there. Truthfully there was no way to confirm that it was Jayce, but he assumed. He glanced at the clock. It was 8am, he had to shower quickly and get back on the road to hunt them down. He didn't even know where to look to find them. He went to the bathroom, starting the shower and getting in. He used the motels soaps, cleaning up and drying off. When he got dressed, he peeked out the window, deciding to keep an eye on the car. He packed the few things he had, his change of clothes, his guns, his toothbrush. He brought it all out to his car, and went to return the key. When he went back outside, the car was gone, with no trace of who owned it.

"Shit." he muttered, getting in his car as he scanned the road for any sign of the car. There it was, disappearing into the distance. He got in, deciding to follow it. Worse case it wasn't Jayce, and he had to start his manhunt all over again. Some old nineties song played on Andreas' radio, and he started humming along as he followed the car at a safe distance, unable to see the passenger or the driver. When the driver pulled into a gas station, Andreas almost missed it, and swerved at the last minute. Instead of going to a pump, the car sat there, almost waiting. Andreas pulled up beside it, and found it was... empty? There was no way he'd been following an empty car, it made no sense. He got out, feigning he was filling his gas, and trying to get a good look at the car. There was one other truck at the pumps, and Andreas gave him a quick glance, waiting for the man to leave to go over to the other car. The man paid for his gas, getting into the car and pulling out.

Andreas turned on his heel, with every intention of going over, and instead got the butt of a gun to the face. He held his nose in agony as he stumbled over to the front of the car.

"Hey!" Jayce exclaimed as Andreas pushed himself up using the hood of his car, trying to get a good look at his assailant. Well, trying to get a good look at Jayce.

"How'd you find us?" Jayce demanded, shoving Andreas down on the hood of the car. Andreas stared up at him, and Jayce shoved the barrel of his gun into Andreas' gut. Andreas grunted in pain as he scrambled to find one of his knives, or a gun, or something to defend himself.

"Don't move." Jayce growled, and Andreas smirked, eyes locked on Jayce's. He had zero intention of letting Jayce take him down again. He was supposed to be the best hitman, for crying out loud. Andreas brought his right knee up, aiming for right between Jayce's legs, and he hit his target. Jayce dropped his gun, yelling in pain as he backed away from Andreas.

"I moved." Andreas announced, and Jayce glared at him in bitter defeat. Taking no mercy on Jayce, Andreas punched him, aiming to knock him unconscious. When Jayce fell to the ground, Andreas was quick to wrap his arms around Jayce in a chokehold, waiting patiently for the bodyguard to fall unconscious. Jayce squirmed desperately, gasping as Andreas was quick to wrap his legs around Jayce's body. Where was the client?

"Where's the client?" Andreas whispered in Jayce's ear, and Jayce laughed hoarsely.

"Don't worry, you won't find him." Jayce said with a smile, and Andreas growled in anger, and annoyance.

"Where is he you little fuck." Andreas tightened his grip, arms flexing as he glared at the man under him.

Jayce slowly went limp, and Andreas muttered a few curse words. He got up, picking up the bodyguard and throwing him in the backseat of his car. If he couldn't find the client, he'd take Jayce and see what happened. He sat down in the driver's seat, waiting patiently for him to wake up.

Jayce cracked an eye open, just enough to judge his surroundings. He could see that he was inside a car. Then he saw Andreas in the driver's seat, and everything came back. He wasn't going to let Andreas know he was awake just yet. No, he was going to wait. For what, he wasn't sure. But he knew that his client was safe, until he went to get him, so he didn't have to worry about that right now. But that was far from his mind as he sat quietly in the backseat. Andreas was eating some sort of candy as the radio droned on quietly in the background. Jayce was quiet, and Andreas looked at him. Jayce closed his eyes, wondering if Andreas could tell he was awake.

"Hey!" Andreas hit Jayce's head, hard. It took everything in Jayce not to smack him just as hard.

"Shit, did I really hit you that hard?" Andreas frowned, and Jayce was quiet. Andreas was silent for a moment, and Jayce could feel his eyes on him. Then, there was a slight shuffling, and when Jayce took a quick second to look, he found that Andreas had turned back around in the seat, continuing to snack on whatever candy he had. Jayce considered his next move quietly. He could jump up and wrap his arms around the seat, so that Andreas was choking. He could try and find a gun, or a knife, and injure Andreas. Or kill him. He could try and escape, and run. The odds they were in the same gas station were 50/50. There was a chance Andreas was either going to hold him hostage at some secondary location until Jayce told him where Lucas was, but also an equal chance that Andreas was going to wait in the gas station until Jayce woke up, and then question him. Jayce tried to get a good look at where he was, but he couldn't get his head above the ledge to see out the window. He could see blue sky, and clouds. So he might as well be at a second location. He considered his options, ran through every possible scenario in his head. Then decided to try and get out if he could. Worse case, he didn't get out, and he got ahold of a knife, or a gun. Then he could injure Andreas, get out and find Lucas. Finding Lucas was his top priority, the most important thing he had to do. Then he had to escape, figure out where he was and how he could get back to Lucas. It was easy. It would be easy. He took a deep breath, focusing on finding the door handle in the position he was in. He moved his hand upwards, slowly, trying not to draw attention. Although, Andreas was too occupied with his snack to notice that Jayce was moving. Jayce grabbed the handle, letting the door click open steadily, quietly.

In one swift motion he threw the door open, rolling out onto hard pavement. He heard Andreas exclaim in surprise, and he rolled towards the back of the car, looking for a weapon. He popped the trunk open, and heard Andreas' door open. He grabbed a few of the weapons in the back - a pistol and a knife, as well as a few clips - and tried to gauge his surroundings. He went around to the passenger side of the car, crouched as low as he could get. He looked under, seeing Andreas feet on the opposite side. He was still, and Jayce wondered if he should risk looking over through the windows. Now, he knew where he was. They were pulled off to the side of the gas station, and his car was still parked at the pump he'd parked at earlier. He could only hope that Lucas hadn't moved from the spot he left him.

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