Chapter Eleven

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Finding a boat without any contacts was a new issue that Quinn and Andreas had to face. Andreas refused to use Arthur to get a boat, he couldn't let Arthur know that he had lost Jayce and let Jayce get into another goddamn country. Arthur would be beyond furious with him.

"So what the hell do you think we should do?" Andreas questioned, and Quinn was quiet, typing on her phone. They'd gone to a bar, and were sitting there, drinking and trying to figure out what to do.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Andreas declared, and got up, going to the bathroom. He went to the bathroom, accidentally brushing against a man as he walked in.

"Sorry." the man apologized, and Andreas didn't even say anything, going to the sink and leaning against it. What the hell was he going to do? He had to get to Colombia, he had to get the fuck out of Miami. That was the only thing he knew for sure. He took a deep breath, and went back out to Quinn, who hadn't moved since he was there last.

"What're you doing?" he inquired, and she looked at him briefly, before looking back at her phone.

"I'm getting us a plane. We're going to Colombia." she informed him, and he raised a brow curiously. Her phone buzzed, and she stared at the number curiously.

"Blocked number." she muttered, answering the phone and putting it to her ear. Andreas strained to listen, wondering if it was Arthur.

"It's for you." she handed the phone to Andreas, and he looked at her curiously. He took the phone from her, putting it up to his ear and taking a sip of his drink.

"Is this Andreas?" a man asked from the other end.

"Yes, it is." Andreas responded, leaning against the wall.

"It's him." the man said, and there was silence, and then someone cleared their throat on the other end.

"Hello, Andreas." Arthur greeted, and Andreas tensed, glancing at Quinn, who was watching, curiosity in her eyes.

"Hello sir." Andreas greeted, biting his lip nervously.

"I have some... interesting news, from a friend." Arthur started, and Andreas took a deep breath, taking a sip of his beer.

"A little birdy told me you need to go to Colombia?" Arthur inquired, and Andreas choked on his drink.

"What? How do you know that?" he demanded, and instantly regretted it, realizing that it confirmed what Arthur assumed.

"How did he get out of Miami, Mr. Kagios?" Arthur asked, and Andreas sighed, looking at Quinn. She frowned, taking a sip of her own drink.

"Sir, I swear I'll take care of this." Andreas started, but Arthur clicked his tongue, chuckling softly.

"Not to worry, Mr. Kagios. This will be addressed at a later time. I need that boy dead, now. Go to the coordinates I've sent to your phone. In your right pocket are keys to a plane. Get to Colombia." Arthur ordered, and Andreas felt around his right pocket, to his surprise, finding a pair of keys.

"Oh, one more thing, Andreas." Arthur's voice in the phone caught Andreas' attention again, and he went still.

"I want both of them dead." he added, and Andreas furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Both of them?" Andreas questioned, and Arthur chuckled softly, sending a chill down Andreas' spine. He didn't mean Quinn, did he?

"I want Jayce dead too." Arthur answered, and then there was the steady beeps, meaning he'd hung up. Andreas paled, handing Quinn her phone back, running a hand over his face.

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