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They ended up taking the boat that Jayce had used to get to Colombia, leaving the car behind and taking turns steering home. When they finally parked the boat and got off, Hans was there to greet them.

"Jayce! Good to see you again." he exclaimed, and Jayce got off the boat, handing him the keys.

"Thank you again for letting me use the boat." he smiled gratefully, and Hans waved a hand.

"I take it you got the job done?" he looked back at Andreas and Quinn, raising a brow curiously.

"Yeah. I did." Jayce responded, and pulled his car keys from his bag. He unlocked it, leading the two over to the car.

"Oh shit, Jayce-" Quinn started, but it was too late. Jayce saw the shattered passenger window, and looked back at them.

"Seriously?" he groaned, shaking his head a little, but Quinn and Andreas could see he was smiling a little.

"Sorry! We were still trying to kill you." Quinn defended them, and Jayce went around, getting in the driver's seat. Quinn jumped in the backseat, and Andreas got in the passenger seat. With that, they pulled away, driving home.

Jayce dropped Quinn off at her house first, where her girlfriend, Arya, was standing on the front porch with her arms crossed.

"Ah, shit. I'm screwed." Quinn groaned, getting out of the car.

"Bye guys! Take care!" she called over her shoulder, walking over to her girlfriend. Jayce pulled away, and started driving.

"Where do I drop you off?" Jayce looked over at Andreas, and Andreas was quiet for a moment.

"I was thinking... your place? Or is it too soon?" Andreas immediately panicked, and Jayce smiled a little, shaking his head.

"It's fine. We'll go to my place." Jayce reassured him, driving back to his apartment and parking the car. He led Andreas upstairs, and into the one bedroom apartment.

"Wow. Bigger than I expected. Maybe I'll become a hitman." Andreas joked as he looked around. Jayce chuckled, going to the kitchen and grabbing two beers, handing one to him.

"I'd like that." Jayce kissed him gently, smiling a little as Andreas put his hand on his waist.

"I would too." Andreas replied, putting his head down on Jayce's shoulder and closing his eyes.

"Can you believe we hated each other?" Jayce chuckled softly, putting his arms around Andreas gently. Then he remembered the letter. He pulled away a little, fumbling through his pockets for it again. Once he found it, he pulled it out, unfolding it.

"You know, I hate to admit it, but we would've made a fantastic couple. Like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde." Jayce read from the letter, raising a brow with a smile on his face, looking at the other man.

"Oh my god, Jayce, I was practically on death row! I was just saying shit!" Andreas shoved him lightly, laughing a little.

"You said you didn't regret that night. Is that true?" Jayce questioned, and Andreas grabbed the letter, reading it again.

Upon hearing Jayce ask the fateful question, Andreas felt like the breath was being squeezed from his lungs. He'd never imagined that he'd get this far with Jayce, that he'd get an actual chance to apologize to his face for what he did. How much he hurt Jayce.

"It is. I never regretted it, and I know I hurt you, and I am so sorry. It wasn't right." Andreas felt so relieved to finally get that off his chest, to finally look the other man in the eye and apologize. Jayce was quiet, looking back down at the letter in his hands.

"I'm sorry I was such an ass." Andreas added, and Jayce folded the letter up, putting it back in his pocket.

"It's okay." Jayce met his gaze, nodding a little bit. Andreas found himself drifting back towards him, wanting nothing more than to be back in his arms. Jayce understood immediately, and wrapped his arms around him, and they stood there in silence, simply enjoying one another's presence.

"My parents are going to love you." Andreas muttered, and Jayce laughed, making Andreas smile.

"Good." Jayce kissed his head, and Andreas finally felt like everything was going to work out.

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