Chapter Seven

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"Come on, Jayce! Let's make this easy!" Andreas yelled over the car, and Jayce couldn't help but laugh, checking the clip of the gun he was holding. Ten bullets, not bad. Thank god he'd grabbed those other clips. It was going to take more than one bullet to take Andreas out, considering Andreas seemed to be set on killing Jayce and then killing Lucas. Jayce crept around the car, getting to the front. He could see Andreas with his back to him, going the other way. Jayce knew he had his opportunity right here. He could shoot him and be done with it, and get away. But he couldn't do it. He couldn't bring himself to bring the gun up and shoot. He found it strange that he wanted to spare Andreas. But, he didn't dwell on it, instead choosing to make a run across the gas station, praying that Andreas didn't see him as he made it across, ducking behind a gas pump. He panted, trying to keep his breathing quiet as he heard Andreas curse loudly behind him.

"Jayce! You motherfucker where'd you go!" Andreas shouted, and Jayce jumped at the sound of a bullet being fired into the air, he assumed. He peeked around the gas tank, finding Andreas was headed right toward him.

"Shit. Shit fuck." Jayce could feel his heart racing as he refilled his gun frantically, sliding the clip in and looking around the tank. Andreas had stopped walking, and was simply watching, waiting for Jayce to show himself. Jayce weighed his options. He could try and make a run for his car and pray that Lucas was in the trunk like he told him to do. He could try to shoot Andreas, and pray to god he doesn't hit any of the gas pumps. He could just stay where he was and pray that Andreas went another direction. Or wait until Andreas was right on top of him, and try and knock him out or something. He was running out of time and he had no idea what the hell he was going to do. Now he could hear the tapping of Andreas' heavy boots on the pavement, and he could hear the blood rushing in his ears. He took a deep breath, getting a grip before jumping up and lunging at Andreas. Andreas yelled in surprise, and tried to go for Jayce's throat. Jayce blocked his hands, knocking the gun out from his hands and onto the ground, dropping his own gun in the process. Andreas pinned him to the gas pump, hands closing around his throat as Jayce thrashed, trying to stop it. He fumbled for something, but remembered that Andreas had taken all his weapons. He kicked himself for doing this, wondering if he would've beaten Andreas had he done something different. Now, because he hadn't thought, he'd probably die. Lucas would die. Andreas would win. Jayce thrashed more, seeing spots as Andreas furrowed his brow, glaring harshly at Jayce. Jayce brought his knee up, and he heard the crack of a bone breaking. Andreas dropped him, yelping in pain and taking a step back as he cradled his side. Jayce concluded that he'd kneed Andreas hard enough to break one of his ribs. He didn't stick around to find out, running to his car and getting in and peeling away, tires squealing on the asphalt as he left Andreas behind, out of breath as he drove away.

Andreas leaned on the pump, exhausted and hurting, but he couldn't stop. He had to keep going. He didn't have a choice. He went back to his car, ignoring the blinding pain and got in, starting it and speeding off in search of Jayce and Lucas. This game of cat and mouse was getting old, and Andreas could only take so many hits before it became too much for him to take. But of course, Arthur took no excuses. He didn't care if you were sick, if you were hurt. If you didn't complete a job, there were consequences. Quite severe, sometimes. So, he grabbed some painkillers from the glove box and swallowed them without water, and kept pushing. Ignoring the headache, the stinging pain in his leg, his ribs aching. He combed the highways, desperate to find him. He knew if he went home, called it a day, decided he couldn't do it, there would be consequences. Arthur always found out. He always knew. Andreas just could not deal with anything more. He couldn't do it anymore, he was afraid of what would happen when he stopped putting up with it. He didn't want to think about that though. He kept driving, and eventually gave up, pulling into a hotel and getting a room. He lied in the bed after putting ice on the broken rib - which according to the internet was better than wrapping them - and stared at the ceiling. Maybe he should just kill Jayce and Lucas. Make it a two in one deal, a two birds with one stone type of thing. Besides, as long as Jayce was alive, he was a problem for Andreas. He knew that for a fact. Then again, all his previous attempts of killing the intolerable bastard had never worked. Jayce was unkillable, Andreas was almost sure of it. He rolled on his side, putting his gun on the nightstand and rolling back on his back. He figure it wouldn't kill him to sleep some, he was exhausted and today's stupid little chase had worn him out.

He wasn't sure when he drifted off, but he woke up to his phone ringing loudly on the floor. He groaned, grabbing it and not even bothering to check the caller ID as he answered.

"Where the fuck are you?!" she demanded, and he could hear clattering in the background.

"Quinn, please." Andreas mumbled, rubbing his eyes tiredly. His head was pounding, and he just wanted to go back to sleep.

"Dude, where are you?" Quinn repeated, this time more gently, and Andreas sighed, trying to remember the name of his hotel. He heard loud footsteps outside his room, and his door opened suddenly.

"Never mind. Found you." Quinn's silhouette was in the door, and she hung up, stuffing her phone in her pocket. Andreas sat up in confusion, looking at her.

"Stay down." Quinn kicked the door shut, and Andreas obeyed, watching her curiously.

"Arthur barely let me come here, Andreas. You fucked up." Quinn started, and Andreas sat up on his elbows, looking at her.

"What?" he was beyond confused, and she looked at him.

"Jayce and the client have left the United States. You've been out for an entire day, Andreas." Quinn crossed her arms, and he rubbed his head, sitting up more.

"A day? Jesus, Arthur is going to murder me." Andreas got up, grabbing his guns and putting them back in their holsters, attaching them to his arms, legs and torso.

"Yeah. I talked him down, told him that I was tracking Jayce for you. You asked me to." Quinn added, but even she knew that that wouldn't stop Arthur if Jayce happened to get away with Lucas.

"That's not going to do shit, Quinn. If I fuck this up, if Jayce gets away, I am beyond fucked." Andreas stated the obvious, and she sighed.

"What're you going to do? Jayce won't let you get to the client unless he's dead." Quinn responded, and Andreas pinched the bridge of his nose, absolutely hating that she was right. Jayce Leuth was the most stubborn man on the face of the earth, and Andreas knew that in order to complete this job, he had to kill Jayce. There was no other option, especially considering the stakes. Because he'd taken his one day long fucking nap, he was screwed if he didn't complete this mission.

"Do you even have a plan?" Quinn added, and Andreas chuckled softly, sliding a clip into one of his guns and holstering it.

"I don't, no." Andreas answered, and she shook her head in disapproving amusement. But, as he slid the leather strap to secure the gun in its holster, he realized he did kind of have a plan.

"Actually, I kind of do." he corrected, and she looked up at him, surprise on her face. Raising her eyebrows curiously, she awaited his explanation.

"I just have to kill Jayce." Andreas said with a smile. 

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