Chapter Nine

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Andreas sat in the passenger seat, his seat reclined a little as Quinn drove. She'd managed to track Jayce's car, thanks to Andreas throwing a tracker on it when he'd knocked Jayce out, and they were headed to wherever it was. Andreas hadn't paid much attention when she'd told him, and a part of him wished he had. But, he was almost too lazy to ask, and she'd lecture him if he asked her to explain again. So instead he sat in silence, watching the sky as she drove.

"How are you feeling?" she inquired, looking over at him. When he'd insisted on leaving, she'd told him that she would drive because he was already concussed, and now he had a broken rib. She insisted that he get some rest, although they both knew he wouldn't sleep in the car.

"I'm fine. My head hurts, my leg hurts and my side hurts. But otherwise I'm fine." Andreas replied, a wry smile on his face. She chuckled softly, shaking her head.

"We're getting close to wherever his car is." she commented, and he nodded, looking out the window.

"Arthur is going to be pissed if you try and help me with this. You're already breaking a rule by driving me around like this." Andreas said softly, and she sighed.

"He won't know, Andreas. It's fine for now." she replied.

"He always knows, Quinn." he muttered, looking at her. She didn't look away from the road, and she didn't respond either.

"We'll figure it out when we get to it." she finally broke the silence, and he nodded reluctantly, not having the energy to argue with her.

An hour had passed, and Quinn pulled to a stop on a dirt road. She got out, and Andreas followed, holding his head a little.

"How're you holding up bud?" she looked at him, and he glared at her.

"I'm fine thanks." he responded, and they started towards the building a little ways from where they parked. They went inside, finding nobody there.

"Hello?" Quinn called, looking over the front desk.

"Looks like nobody's around, maybe your lead was wrong." Andreas crossed his arms, leaning on the wall.

"We need to look around for Jayce's car. I'm never wrong." Quinn glared at him, before walking out. He hesitated for a while, before following her out. She had already disappeared when he walked out, and he considered just waiting in the car for him. She reappeared from behind a bush, waving him down and he went over, wishing he was back in his hotel room.

"His car is here. Let's see what we can find." she used her elbow to break the window open, and then reached in and opened the passenger side door. He stood beside her, looking around, refusing to get in Jayce's car. He spared the occasional glance as Quinn rummaged through his glove box, and the backseat, eventually moving to the trunk.

"I have nothing." she sighed, standing up and closing the door.

"I know. Jayce is very thorough, Quinn. He knew I was after him, so he didn't leave anything to help me." Andreas commented, standing a little ways away from her now, with his arms crossed.

"Of course you know." she muttered, shaking her head a little.

"Let's check that office area, there's bound to be something there." Andreas suggested, leading the way inside.

"Nobody is around, let's just look around some, see what we can find." Andreas added, going around the desk and opening a folder sitting on the desk. Quinn went into a back room, occupying herself while Andreas looked through the file.

"I think I got something!" he called, and she rejoined him in the front room, looking over his shoulder. Written down in messy handwriting was a number, and a time, a name and a location.

"That's two hours ago, and that's Jayce. I have no idea what the hell that number means-" Quinn started, but Andreas' eyes were glued to the location.

"He took a goddamn boat to Colombia." Andreas cut Quinn off, in complete disbelief.

"He took a fucking boat to Colombia." Andreas repeated, slamming the folder back on the desk and getting up.

"What are you going to do?" Quinn questioned, and Andreas let out an anxious laugh.

"Where the fuck is he taking this guy?! Seriously!" Andreas started pacing, his heart racing. Oh, Arthur was going to kill him for letting Jayce get out of the country.

"Relax, Andreas. I have friends in high places, I can get us a boat there in no time." Quinn reassured him, and he shook his head, stopping his pacing momentarily.

"No fucking way. By the time we get there he'll be long gone, going god knows where." Andreas ran a hand over his face, his mind racing.

"We're going to go to Colombia and we're going to figure this out." Quinn went around the desk, grabbing his shoulders and making him look at her in the eye.

"I promise this will all get sorted." she added, and he was quiet.

"Alright. Yeah. Let's go to Colombia." he nodded, sighing softly. Why would Jayce be in Colombia? Was that really where his client - Andreas' target was supposed to be delivered? It was a dangerous country, Andreas knew that. What countries were beside Colombia? Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil. Or what if he was taking the client to Colombia? In truth, Brazil was Andreas' best guess, but he had a 20% chance of being right. Andreas wanted to slap Jayce for going somewhere so dangerous, he was such a goddamn idiot.

And now he was about to follow the same goddamn idiot right into the same dangerous country and try not to get killed.

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