Chapter Sixteen

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Jayce, Quinn and Lucas were now headed in the opposite direction that Jayce wanted to go in. For fucking Andreas. He was beyond pissed that he'd let this happen, he should've just told Lucas no, that they were going to go to Peru. But, he'd let this happen, so maybe that meant he did want to save Andreas, to some extent. He would never admit that out loud though, my god, Quinn and Lucas would never let him hear the end of it. That was like asking to be made fun of. So, he just sulked as they travelled. They sat in the back of some cab, flying down roads, Jayce squished between Quinn and Lucas because he refused to let her sit beside him.

"We're going to meet a friend of my girlfriend. He'll give us a car, we can get to Venezuela faster in our own vehicle." Quinn looked at the two men beside her, Lucas who looked rather excited to be on this adventure, and Jayce who looked like he'd rather be thrown out of the cab then do this.

"Sounds like a plan." Lucas nodded, and the driver took a hard right, sending Quinn flying into Jayce.

"Easy! Jesus!" Jayce exclaimed, and the driver shouted something in spanish in return.

When they reached their destination, they got out, and Quinn paid the driver, thanking him in spanish and leading the other two into a building. She said a few things to a man at a desk, and he handed her a set of keys. She led them outside to the back of the building, to a beat up white car.

"Here's our ride boys." she announced, going to the drivers side and opening the door.

"Shotgun!" Lucas called, running around to the passenger side and getting in. Jayce got in the backseat, sighing softly and leaning his head back. For Andreas. He was putting up with this shit... for Andreas. It made him so mad that was the reason he was doing all this. But, he put on a brave face and looked out the window as they pulled out of the place.

An hour into the ride, they were almost wherever they were headed, thank god. Jayce wasn't sure how much more he could put up with, if he was honest. They pulled to a stop in front of a run down building in the middle of nowhere, it seemed, and Quinn turned the car off.

"Let's get in there!" Quinn exclaimed, and Jayce got out, grabbing a gun from his bag and handing it to Lucas. They all went to the door, and Jayce took a deep breath, kicking it down and leading them inside. It seemed abandoned, which worried Jayce a little bit. But, he continued down the hall, nudging open doors that led to empty rooms, and finding no trace of Andreas. It was beginning to worry him a little, and finally they got to the last room, opening the door. There was dry blood on the floor, but the room was otherwise bare.

"Blood isn't a good sign.." Lucas mumbled, and Jayce walked further in the room. There was no evidence that it was in fact Andreas' blood. He looked along the floors, the walls, anything. There was nothing. He sighed, going to the door. Maybe he'd missed something when he was looking earlier. Quinn stayed in the room with Lucas, doing a double check.

"Jayce!" Quinn shouted, and Jayce went back down the hall, going into the room again. He walked in, and she was holding up a piece of paper. Folded neatly, with Jayce's name scrawled on it. He frowned, going over to her and taking the paper from her. Unfolding it, he went out in the hallway, so there was more light to read it.

He was quiet when he finished it, the small tear on the bottom far more unsettling than it should be.

"He's dead." Jayce felt a wave of defeat come over him as he sat down on the floor, leaning his head back on the wall. Quinn snatched the letter from his grasp, and she read it with Lucas. Jayce was quiet, trying to process everything he'd just read. He wasn't sure what was worse, the fact that Andreas felt the same or that Jayce had been such a blind fucking idiot.

"You alright?" Quinn's voice snapped him out of his trance, and Jayce got up, nodding.

"I'm fine. We need to find Arthur." Jayce smoothed his shirt down, a switch flipping in his brain as his eyes went cold. Lucas snatched the letter from Quinn, reading it over and over again.

"My dad... wants me dead..." Lucas said softly, and Quinn's attention flipped to him. She immediately comforted him, whereas Jayce was calculating his next move, deciding what to do.

"Peru." Jayce declared, and the other two looked at him, confused. They followed him out, but Jayce didn't say another word. He got in the car, turning to Quinn.

"Get us a fucking plane to go to Peru." he ordered, and she looked at him like he was crazy.

"I'm not going to Peru!" Lucas exclaimed, and Jayce started the car.

"Quinn, get me a location on Arthur. They are in Peru, I know they are." Jayce muttered. Quinn was quiet, pulling out her laptop and typing a few things. She was quiet as Jayce waited, tapping his fingers on the wheel.

"Got it. You were right, he's in Peru." Quinn confirmed his suspicions, and after another beat of silence she spoke again.

"It's going to be a bit until I get a plane, Jayce." Quinn warned, and Jayce was quiet for a moment.

"Then we'll fucking drive. I don't care, I want to look him in the eyes when I put a bullet through his goddamn head." Jayce growled, starting the car and driving away.

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