Chapter Fifteen

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Well asshole, if you're getting this, it probably means I'm dead. If I'm dead, number one, fuck, number two, congratulations on winning our endless shitshow battle. I wasn't going to write you a letter, I was actually going to write Quinn a letter, in truth. But, they locked me in here with a pencil and a piece of paper, so I guess I'll write to you. If I have room I'll write a little something for Quinn, she'd probably murder me if I didn't.

You are truly the best bodyguard I've ever encountered. No, this letter won't consist of me calling you a bunch of different names and insulting you. This is a genuine letter. A thank you, I guess. For all the times you've pushed me to do better, to be better, without knowing it. Without you, I wouldn't be the hitman I am today. So thank you for that, I guess.

Before I continue, I need you to know this. Everything was a set up, this whole thing. My assignment, your assignment. They're going to kill all four of us, you, me, Lucas and Quinn. I won't give up your location though, even though I have no idea where you are. I wouldn't give up your location even if I did. I may hate you, but I won't let them win.

Arthur set me up. When I landed in Colombia with Quinn, he had some men that got the jump on me when she went looking for a car. They took me, and put a bag over my head. So, even if you do get this, I have no way of telling you where I am. When they took the bag off it was my boss, and Lucas' dad. Barrett Ryder. He wants his kid dead. God what an asshole. His name is even worse, worse than your name. I don't know how much time has passed since I was taken, but it feels like it's been days. They did some screwed up shit, I won't get into detail.

If you get this in time, don't go to Peru. Avoid it at all costs. It's a setup, Jayce, so please, if you get this, don't come for me. I need you to run. I guess we're getting to the important shit in this, so here we go.

Despite our many differences, and the amount of times we almost killed each other, I am grateful I got to know you. Even if we were sworn enemies, I'm glad we knew each other. You know, I hate to admit it, but we would've made a fantastic couple. Like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde. Would've been nice, I have to admit.

On that topic, I wanted to address that one night we spent together. I never regretted it, Jayce. Not for a second. I know I said some pretty shitty things when we woke up, but I never regretted it, and I wish I hadn't said what I said. I know I hurt you. I'm sorry for that. It was a fucked up thing to do, but I think I was just aiming to hurt you at that point. Which was beyond screwed up, I know, I was an asshole. But I was just trying to protect myself, I was scared that you did regret it.

Which brings me to this. I think that despite us being enemies, I was, in some way, into you. I think I did have some sort of... romantic interest in you at one point, and I'm not sure if that's still around. I'm not even sure if you feel the same, Jesus Christ. Now I really hope I'm dead when you're reading this. I don't think I could face you after you read that.

If you don't feel the same, it's alright. I don't want to pressure you into anything. I hate people that do that, try and pressure you into shit. It's fucked up. But seriously, if you don't feel the same, please don't address that if we ever see each other again. I guess that's all I have to say to you. So, this next part is for Quinn.

Quinn, my friend. I'm really, really sorry I was such an ass when I was around. Thank you for sticking around despite that, and being my best friend, and supporting me through it all. I hope you live a good life with Arya, please try to avoid going after Arthur. I know you probably will, as some sort of revenge thing, but please, I'm begging you to avoid it. He's dangerous, Quinn, and if you get looped into his bullshit I'd hate myself. If I was still alive, I guess. I'm pretty sure they're going to kill me soon. Which really sucks, I think. I don't know, maybe it's a good thing I'm dying. Just take care please. Be smart, be safe. Be better than me.


Andreas tucked the piece of paper between two loose bricks in his dark prison, and he heard voices outside.

"Alright, this is it." he spoke out loud, to himself, trying to calm his nerves as he watched the shadows move under the door. He steeled himself, trying to calm his racing heart as the door creaked open and two men walked in, picking him up and putting a bag over his head.


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