Chapter Fourteen

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Jayce was in the shower, waiting for Lucas to wake up. He'd been up all night tossing and turning, thinking about Andreas. Without the legendary hitman on his tail, he could safely bring Lucas to Peru, and then maybe, just maybe, he'd help Quinn find Andreas. But, in Colombia especially, it would be difficult to find him. He stood under the warm water, silent, thinking about his options. Was he genuinely considering risking his life for the man that had shot him more than twenty times? Yes, and he couldn't believe it. Something about the urgency in Quinn's voice had shook him to his core, because Andreas was the best of the best, he could take care of himself. So the fact that Quinn was so scared right now was a little nerve wracking. He could admit he was a little worried about Andreas.

He got out of the shower, drying off and getting dressed. He ran a hand through his wet hair, staring in the mirror. He couldn't believe he was considering risking everything to save Andreas fucking Kagios. It was ridiculous, in truth. He smoothed his hair back with his hands, and left the bathroom. Lucas was up and dressed, throwing the few belongings they had in their bags.

"Ready to go?" Lucas inquired, and Jayce nodded. He hadn't heard from Quinn since the night before, and he couldn't help but wonder if she'd gone after Andreas herself.

"Who was the girl last night?" Lucas asked, and Jayce couldn't help but smile. At least Lucas was still asking questions, ever so curious.

"She was a friend of the hitmans. Andreas. She's not going to be an issue, if that's what you're worried about." Jayce reassured Lucas, even though he knew that was the least of the other man's worries. They went down to the lobby, checking out of the hotel and walking out.

"That's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about Andreas. You should be too." Lucas insisted, and Jayce shook his head a little, walking down the busy streets.

"I am not going to worry about the man that's trying to kill you." Jayce retorted, and Lucas made a noise of protest.

"Don't think of him like that. Think of him like a guy that needs your help!" Lucas was fucking persistant, and it was beginning to drive Jayce crazy.

"He does not need my help. He can handle himself." Jayce stopped, turning to look at Lucas. Lucas blinked, eyes locked onto Jayce's, defiant and confident.

"She needs our help. I'm not going to Peru unless I know that you're going to help her." Lucas muttered, and Jayce closed his eyes pinching the bridge of his nose. Lucas had clearly made his mind up on a matter that frankly didn't concern him in the least bit. Jayce grabbed Lucas' sleeve, pulling him out of the street and into an alley. He paced up and down, mind racing. He could go find Quinn again, and help, dragging Lucas along. He could send Lucas with his contacts, get him to Peru safely. But, if Andreas could get caught, then Jayce really didn't want to risk Lucas' safety. It appeared his only choice was to drag Lucas along, and that was only if he decided to work with Quinn.

"FUCK!" Jayce shouted, stopping his pacing and yanked his phone from his pocket, the note Andreas had left for Quinn falling on the pavement. He stopped, staring at it. Lucas bent down, picking it up and holding it out for Jayce. Jayce took it, staring at it as if his eyes could make it vanish. Without another word, he called Quinn, pressing his phone to his ear as he resumed his pacing. Lucas leaned on the wall at the end of the alley, watching him go.

"Hello?" Quinn answered the phone, and Jayce was silent. He couldn't make himself talk, couldn't make himself tell her that he was in, that he was willing to save Andreas.

"Jayce is this some kind of fucking prank call?" she demanded, and Jayce sighed, dropping his head and wiping his face.

"I'll help you." he finally spoke, giving in. Silence from her end, and he wondered if she'd hung up.

"You're not joking?" she questioned, and he scoffed a little, looking at Lucas, who was watching him.

"No. I'm not. Lucas... he's being stubborn. He won't go to Peru unless I fucking help you." Jayce growled, and Lucas smiled triumphantly. Jayce ignored his grin of satisfaction.

"Down the street in the little restaurant on the corner of the street." Quinn instructed, hanging up. Jayce groaned, shoving his phone back in his pocket and walking out, grabbing Lucas' bicep. They went down the street, pushing through people until they got to the restaurant. They went inside, and Quinn was at a table, sipping something out of a mug. Jayce sat down across from her, Lucas taking his seat beside him.

"Well hello there." she smiled, leaning back in her chair. He glared at her, already regretting telling her that he would help her.

"Let's just get this shit over with." Jayce muttered, and she nodded.

"Well, thanks to my fantastic computer skills, I figured out where he's being held. I don't know by who, but years ago I put a tracker implant on him for this exact reason. He had no idea I did it, I put it in while he was sleeping." Quinn explained, and Jayce chuckled a little. Of course Andreas' best friend had been able to put a tracker in him. He was surprised Andreas didn't know about it, in truth.

"Not bad." Jayce praised, and she smiled, nodding. She reached down, and Jayce tensed a little, reaching for his gun. But, she only pulled out a laptop, setting it down on the table. She saw his hand on his waist, right above his gun, and she raised a brow, locking eyes with him.

"Shooting me might be a little counterproductive, Jayce." she said, and there was a hint of warning in her voice that Jayce wanted to challenge. He didn't though, instead putting his hand on the table. There was no use in causing a scene in the middle of this place, especially since he was supposed to be helping her. She opened the laptop, typing quickly, and Jayce spared a quick glance at Lucas. It was more of a glare, truth be told, because he couldn't believe he'd been dragged into this bullshit. Quinn turned the screen around, showing it to the two of them.

"This is where he is. Coordinates at the top left, he's the red dot." she pointed at the coordinates, then the red dot. Jayce memorized the coordinates, and then got up.

"You two stay together here. Quinn, if this is some elaborate setup to kill Lucas I swear to god I will-" he didn't get to finish his sentence.

"It's not a setup. Andreas is in trouble." she cut him off, standing up and looking him dead in the eye. He was silent, staring at her for a brief moment before nodding.

"We're coming with you." Lucas piped in, and Jayce looked down at his client.

"Absolutely not. That's where I draw the line." Jayce shook his head no, and Lucas stood up.

"You're going to need backup." Quinn interfered, stopping them from arguing as Jayce turned to glare at her.

"I don't need shit." Jayce retorted, and she chuckled.

"Unless you want to be held hostage with your least favourite person on this planet, I suggest you let us come." Quinn crossed her arms, and Jayce went quiet, considering his options.

"Fine." he spat, and she shut her laptop, shoving it in her bag.

"Let's get moving then boys." she declared, and they followed her outside.

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