~Prolouge (Part one)~

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I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU READ SAFE AND SOUND BEFORE YOU READ THIS. Really. If not, get ready for a whole lot of confusion and uh... Just read safe and sound. Arigato!

Alois POV-
Tears stained the photograph of me and (Y/N) together, smiling.
"Why'd you do it (Y/N)?" I asked, softly placing a hand on her beautiful face. We had a whole life ahead of us. Kids,Marriage,love, more kids? I liked kids.
"I loved you. You told me you loved me, that you'd never leave me."
A horrible idea struck my mind.
"It was because all those times I hurt her. She wanted revenge, that's all."
"I highly doubt that was the reason lady (l/n) tried to murder you." A voice said from behind.
"Claude?" I turn to see my demon butler.
"... You know something! Tell me!"
"I don't know what you're talking about, master." He bowed and exited the room.
(♡ >ω< ♡)
-Still Alois POV-
I'd told everyone who would listen, I didn't want anything to do with her. Really, I wanted her with me. Stoking my hair, cuddling, telling me it would be alright. Tch. If she where here, she'd have already killed me by now. A fresh round of tears formed in my eyes. My love, you broke my heart, and I'll try to forget about you. Not like she'd care. She'd be happy to have me out of her life.
(♡ >ω< ♡)
-AlOiS pOv-
"Are you sure about this?" Claude asked, adjusting his glasses. We stood together, in front if the entrance of my manor. A small group of young, un-betrothed ladies stood behind that door. It was so I could forget (Y/N). The same way she forgot me.
"Let them in"
Claude opened the two giant doors and in the girls walked. I greeted everyone of them. Nothing special. No one was really attractive. Well, they may have been, but in my mind, no one compared to (Y/N) Until I saw her, Nikki Kirkland.
Longer hair that anyone. Brighter eyes, whiter teeth. She was perfect.
-Reader POV-
What was going on in there? I thought to myself, as the main hall filled with people. All young girls. All young girls??? No... He wouldn't! One by one, the girls left, until one remained. Her hair was brown and long. Her eyes, green and bright. Her skin, pale and flawless. Alois took her hand, and begun to dance with her. No! My love... As they turned, he spotted me. I left before I could see his expression.
-Alois POV-
I took her hand, and we begun to dance. Something was off, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"So, Nikki." I said. She smiled up at me.
"Alois, thank you for choosing me." She said softly.
"I'll be the best, We'll be the best. I promise"
She then layed her head against my chest. As we spun, my vision was thrown, and I was now staring at the door. Someone was peeking in.
(Y/N)! Her eyes where puffy, and red. They widened when she realized I had seen her, and she ran. She looked as if she'd been crying.
"What?" Nikki asked, looking up, into my eyes.
"Nothing." I responded, pulling my eyes away from the place where (Y/N) had been, and back to this doll-like beauty before me. She shrugged, and we remained quiet.

Hellooo Trancies, welcome to the sequel of safe and sound! My name is QueenKawaii! ...
Lol game theory ref.
But in all realness. Yay! Part two is out!





So hi. I have a YouTube channel now!
I'm kinda doing this thing where when I get 100 subs, I'll be doing shoutouts for other channels, and wattpad profiles! Sub+follow me to enter to win!!!!!!!!!! (Link in profile)

(Alois x Reader x Ciel) Only Just a dream, Another song ficWhere stories live. Discover now