-I Realize. It was only just a dream-

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When I look into the mirror, I see the face of an evil, Villanous demon. I'm a wreck! There's no point in trying today, so I Told Mey-Rin, just to get me dressed, and that was enough.
"The young master really seem to be takin a likin to yah." She says, pulling the end of a satin ribbon, and looping into into a bow.
"I'n not engaged anymore. I'm free to roam the universe, to find new men, and lucky for me, I found one." I reply, in a monotone voice. It's like Alois was slipping my mind. This morning, Ciel has given me a beautiful ring, with a green gemstone and gold band. I'd immediately removed My meaningless engagement ring, to slide the new one on my finger. Since then, all memories of A-...Am-... A-...? What was his name? .... My ex-Fiancé have been fading rapidly, as if he had never really existed.

Hello Lovies. So the end... And uh unfortently I never wrote a third part! So we have a choice to be making!

1. I make a BTS book, with excerpts that didn't make it into the final.

2. I end the series forever (it's lived a long assk life.)

3. I hand the story off to another writer! (Contest)

So, it's been fun kuro-geeking guys. See you soon... Maybe? Maybe take some requests?
I know the following shows:
SU, GF, SVTFOE, Soul Eater, Ouran, MLP, We Bare bears, Danny Phantom, Teen titans, Young justice... Mucho more. Just ask. I'm nice, I'm running low on ideas!

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^ see what I did there?

So hi. I have a YouTube channel now!
I'm kinda doing this thing where when I get 100 subs, I'll be doing shoutouts for other channels, and wattpad profiles! Sub+follow me to enter to win!!!!!!!!!!(link on profile)

(Alois x Reader x Ciel) Only Just a dream, Another song ficWhere stories live. Discover now