~Prolouge (part 2)~

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-Alois POV-
After she left, I decide to go to the nursery. I needed to see the kids right now. To see a part of (Y/n). The nursery was in between our rooms. Hopefully (y/n) wouldn't be there. She wasn't, and I breathed sigh of relief. My two children wriggled around in their cribs, under the supervision of Hannah.
"I'd like to be alone with the kids, but I'll call you if I need something."
Hannah hesitantly nods, and with a curtsey, exits the room. I scooped up Constance. She had blue eyes like mine, and (h/c) hair like (y/n). Marceau had light caramel eyes and light brown hair.
"You look so much like your mother you know. You even smell like her." I told Constance. She yawned.
"And you're beautiful. I bet you'll love me."
I set her down, and scoop up Marceau.
"Hello Marceau! It's your father, Alois"
His eyes focus on mine, mouth slightly ajar.
"I hope you have a nice future. Maybe me and your mother will even get married some day" I giggle. Some day...
Hannah burst through the door.
"(Y/N) is coming for feeding"
I Quickly sent Marceau down after kissing his cheek, and stalked out of the room.
"Hello little wonders" the sound of (Y/N)'s voice made me stop in my tracks. I hid next to the door.
"How are you?" She asked, softly. She sounded stuffed up, and weak. Like she was on the verge of tears.
"You know, I wish your father would talk to me."
I stiffened. She was talking about me.
"If ge would, I would tell him, that I love him very much."
She... She did?
"I'd tell him why I... Why..." She began to cry. All I wanted to do was to run up and comfort her. One of the kids started crying too.
"Oh Marceau, it's okay." She choked out, trying to Quiet our son.
"He won't listen, he has a new interest." She sniffed.
"Someone who'll love you very much."
She started crying again.
"I love you, more than you know. But I can't live like this anymore. Goodbye Marceau, Goodbye Constance."
The twins began to bawl loudly. (Y/n) cried harder.
"Goodbye Alois"
She left the room. I ran through, following her. She walked into her room, and picked up a bag, And walked to the balcony. She's leaving us? Me? No! I quickly craps about any and looked outside just in time to see two black wings appear on her back, and her perfect canines turn sharp. (A/n: *insert winx/ sailor moon transformation music here*)
Her...true form? I was in shock. Too in shock to stop her, until it was too late.


I'm sorry about the cliché dark angel thing that's still been going on, but as I recall, you guys chose to keep it!
QOTD: Where would u go in a situation like this?



(Alois x Reader x Ciel) Only Just a dream, Another song ficWhere stories live. Discover now