Part 9

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Why was he kissing me? Why wasn't I stopping it? This isn't right at all. I finally pulled back
"Taehyung we can't do this, you work for hoseok and I'm with jungkook"
"Y/n please there are things you don't know all I'm asking is for a chance, I'm not asking to be forgiven for what I did to you, I'm not asking you to trust me I'm asking for you to hear me out"
I nodded
"Alright we will talk in my ware house I can't have jungkook knowing" he nodded and started up the car and I gave him directions.
I brought him into my office and he started spiralling and fast, I couldn't handle everything being thrown at me,
"Taehyung calm, one thing at a time please"
He took a deep breath in
"Jungkook is not on your team. He may love you or at least say he does but he comes back to hoseok every so often to tell us what's happening. We know yoongi is alive, we know yoongi is actually working with you that's why we never rushed to get him back because hoseok doesn't want him back. But they have this big plan to kill you and yoongi. There is a reason I was meant to get you today, my life is on the line but honestly I'm okay with that I won't watch you and yoongi die for something so fucking stupid."
Everything was a lie. Jungkook. Everything. Suddenly the room started to spin and it went black.
I woke up to taehyung over me, shouting my name repeatedly.
"I'm okay tae honestly"
That's when I remembered.
"Oh shit" I jumped up
"Taehyung we need to go now, right now"
He looked really confused
"Why what's wrong?"
" I told jungkook something hoseok wasn't supposed to know and him finding out means my life"
He looked shocked but nodded and grabbed my hand.
We went back to my house, I run into Lou asking him where jungkook was
"I think he met up with a seokjin? Maybe i am not too sure he asked no one to come with him and was very secretive about it"
"Fuck Lou we need to put this house into lockdown, get yoongi up here I need all the man power I can get, taehyung grab some guns we don't know what's going to happen but we can't be too safe I don't care about what happened before I will deal with it afterwards but I will not let you die."
He nodded and ran after Lou.
This is it.
Yoongi appeared in front of me with a concerned look
"What the fuck is happening y/n?"
"Jungkook has been going to hoseok behind my back, I fucking told him it was me yoongi, he went to see seokjin today and seokjin already knows"
He nodded with a look of sadness in his eyes
"I won't let you die y/n even if it means I die protecting you"
I wish life had treated yoongi better.
"I won't let any of you die today. I promise"
Taehyung appeared beside me with his weapons ready
"Don't make promises you can't keep y/n"
He was right but I'll try my best we were ready for it, I needed to talk to dawon though. I needed to tell her
"Dawon, there is something I need to tell you"
"Y/n I know it was you, I know what he did and my father wasn't a nice man to anyone but hoseok that's why he is doing what he is doing. This I hold nothing against you and I won't hold anything against you and I won't let you die for it either"
I grabbed her hand and took a deep breath in, I'm not going to lie I'm scared, no one has ever tried to go head to head with me. They were always scared of what I could do.
I looked around, at everyone who was putting their life's on the line for me. Yoongi the boy who used to me childhood love, the boy I'll always remember as a caring boy. Taehyung someone I haven't known long and that I don't know much of but I know he is a good person Deep down otherwise he would be on the other side not mine. Dawon the girl that became my best friend after meeting hoseok, the girl who supported me and her brother, the one who gave me a shoulder to cry on whenever he went missing. Lou and jay my two best friends, they never left my side since my dad assigned them to me at a young age to keep me safe. I owe them all my life.
Suddenly the door handle twisted and I heard jungkooks voice
"Y/n what's going on?"
"Go away jungkook"
I heard him laugh
"Ouch, what did I do? Am I not ur bunny anymore"
Before I could speak, taehyung spoke
"Jungkook I think it's best if you leave"
"Taehyung so she has you too hmm I take it yoongi is there too"
I felt my blood run cold hoseok.
"I know it was you y/n. Now you can either give up your life Or I can take every life that is in that building"
I took a shaking breath
"I'm not fucking scared of you hoseok"
"Oh but you should be, we won't hurt you not today but we will be back eventually"
With that they left

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