Part 12

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Taehyung grew a smile on his face
"Really y/n, I'm glad to have you back"
I smiled to myself, just letting the world around me pass by.
The next few hours consisted of me and taehyung catching up on what has happened. We needed to settle this, it's been going on for too long, yoongi and dawon had come to visit while in a coma they had grown closer to each other forming a relationship between them, I couldn't be happier for yoongi the look in his eyes when he looked at her was the same look taehyung gave me. Love and happiness. Everyone deserves to be happy and I wasn't going to let hoseok ruin that.
I made taehyung go home and relax, who knows how many days he had been sitting in that chair waiting for me to wake up. I heard a knock at the door, looking up it was jungkook with roses in his hand I suddenly felt my body stiffen.
"Can I come in?"
I just sat there, my brain couldn't process why he was here, after everything he had done. Why can't he just make up his mind.
"Look I know I've messed up but I wanted to say goodbye" against my better judgement I nodded, giving him the go ahead to come in.
"You should know I hate roses, too cliché for me."
He silently nodded his head in acknowledgement
"I'm leaving hoseok and his gang. I'm leaving this life behind. My mum contacted me, she wants me to come home, I took a while for think about it but I've decided that it is for the best. I didn't hate you. I didn't not love you either. I was selfish put myself first but by the looks of it you've got a life for yourself now with taehyung. I wanted to apologise in person because I owed you that at least, I hope maybe one day in the future that if you find it in your heart to forgive me. That our paths cross again and maybe we can become friends but for now I wish you the best. Goodbye y/n"
With that he was gone from the room, I felt nothing. No sympathy for him. I simply didn't care after everything he put me through he thinks he can just apologise and hope I'll forgive him. I lifted the roses to put them in a bin, I looked at the card attached to them reading 'I'll forever love you y/n, I'll forever be your bunny' I simply put the note in the bin along with the roses. Maybe in the future.
I got dressed and discharged myself, I knew taehyung would be pissed I didn't tell him or even contact him to come get me but right now I just want to be in my own bed.
Calling an Uber I arrived home to see the house in pitch black, meaning everyone must be asleep. Letting myself in I was tackled to the ground by someone.
"Ah what the fuck"
Then the lights came on and I was face to face with Lou, who's face was growing more red as he looked at me.
"Oh sorry y/n, I didn't realise you would be coming home tonight" he said quickly as he got off me, extending out his hand for me to take it.
Standing up taehyung rushed into the hall to see what the noise was about.
"Y/n what are you doing here, if you were always planning on leaving the hospital you could've at least filled me in so I could've come to get you"
I kinda shrugged at him, walking into the kitchen to get some food. I don't know why but ever since jungkook spoke to me I simply wanted to be left alone
"Eh I wanted to come home by myself you know I am a big girl and that"
Taehyung stood leaning against the door frame with his hands in his pockets
"Yeah im sure you are"
"Jungkook came to visit me today, while I was in hospital"
Out of the corner of my eye I could see him physically tense as he walked over to me, grabbing my face
"What? Why? Did he hurt you in any way?"
I giggled at him being so overprotective
"He said he was leaving the business, something about his mum contacting him and he wishes me the best"
He looked physically annoyed And I just hugged him, it was like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders he was like a security blanket.
"I just had to get out of the hospital, it was a last minute thing and it's three in the morning I didn't know if you would be awake"
He ran his fingers through my hair,
"It's alright, let's head upstairs we can just order food from somewhere"
We spent the rest of the night watching I am not a robot and eating fast food, life truly doesn't get better than this.

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