Part 10

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* a few months later*
Me and taehyung have grown closer, he permanently lives with me now and he never leaves me side not ever since the day hoseok said he would be back.
Taehyung is the most loving and misunderstood person I know. We bought a dog together and he came up with the name yeontan, the last few months have been quiet but we have been taking advantage of it never letting our guards down fully. I am truly happy when he is with me, as for yoongi he lives here too he's a lot happier these days, it was like we had our own little family.
Me and taehyung have been talking about finally leaving this business and just disappearing of the map, and living a life together.
We were watching a movie one day when the gates alarms started going off. This is it.
Everyone jumped up and grabbed weapons within seconds the front doors bursted open And Hoseok stepped into the hall, along with the rest of his crew.
"Oh y/n, did you think I wouldn't be back"
I could see taehyung clench his jaw
"Are you here for something exactly"
He laughed at me, until his eyes landed on dawon
"I can't believe you stood by her"
I watched as her face contorted with anger
"You're playing a losing game no matter what you do here hoseok you will lose. Y/n had her reason to do what she did to dad"
Hoseok raised his pistol at me, I was ready and I closed my eyes. Two guys shots went off but nothing happened I opened my eyes and there stood taehyung looking me in the eyes with a small smile until he dropped to the floor a pool of blood surrounding him.
I dropped to my knees as the war around me started gun shots firing every few seconds, I grabbed taehyungs face.
"I told you I would protect you no matter what." I could feel his breathe becoming faint
I could feel tears streaming down my face
"Taehyung I will not let you die today, please. Stay with me"
He weakly smiled at me
"You will win this y/n, I will always be by your side. The past few months you should me what it was like to have love in my life and I will forever be grateful for that all I ever wanted was to be loved and you loved me"
I pressed my forehead against his sobbing harder
"I will never forget you and what you done for me. I will always love you"
With that he smiled at me as I stared into his eyes I watched as the life faded from his eyes.
I stood up wiping the tears away from my eyes
I grabbed my gun and looked around for hoseok but he was gone, a few guys of his team lay dead in the hall I looked around to find Seokjin still firing at dawon.
Taking a shot I hit him in the neck with that he let out a gurgling sound and fell. the rest of hoseok team cleared out it was a losing battle and they knew it.
I heard my name being called weakly, I spun around to find Lou laying against a wall in a pool of his own blood.
"Lou oh my god" I shouted at yoongi to call for an ambulance
"Lou look at me I will no let you die as well."
I heard him laugh
"Don't worry about me y/n I've been through worse"
I grabbed his hand as everyone gathered around me and Lou. Yoongi grabbed my shoulder telling my the ambulance would be here soon.
"Hear that Lou you're going to be okay"
But he was no longer moving
"Please, no I can't lose you too please" I pushed him down and started doing cpr. Tears clouding my vision
I started screaming and sobbing harder yoongi lifted me off him kicking and screaming.
Cradling me in the middle of the hall that's where we lay as paramedics arrived and took Lou to the hospital.
We sat there for the next hour as I sobbed.
I lost everything. I lost my best friend. I let taehyung down. I lost to hoseok.
A few days later we held a funeral for Lou and taehyung and every soul we lost that day.
" Lou was my best friend I watched him grow up with me, he knew what I liked what I didn't. Whenever I was sick or upset he was the one that comforted me and unfortunately I let him down. He died for something I had caused. The same for taehyung but the past few months I gave taehyung the love he deserved, and he showed me what it was like to truly be happy from waking me up by singing in the kitchen while burning pancakes to us getting a dog together. he didn't deserve to go the way he did. I hope where ever he is now has more to offer him than what this world did. Taehyung died protecting me, the man who truly wanted to make me happy and for that I will make sure hoseok burns in hell even if I have to drag him there myself" I wiped a few tears away and stepped down beside jay and yoongi.
I won't let anyone else die.

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