Chapter 12

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I sat on a bench looking into the intricately designed greenery that formed a twisty maze.

The exact maze from my dreams... I will say I am a bit surprised, but considering I have met 2 of the 3 intruders of my beauty sleep, it was really naive to think the maze was insignificant.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves. Nerves, that was the only thing I can feel at the moment. I have Archer blocked out. I, in a way, feel betrayed if that makes sense... I Know i told him i wouldn't block him out anymore but he also never mentioned Rory, so i do feel like i have a right to my own mind.

Speaking of the Devil, I knew he was near before he even sat next to me. Maybe its the bond maybe not but i can always feel his presence. Near or far, he lingers in the corner of my mind.

"Can we talk? " he pleaded.

I turned to him but stayed quiet, analyzing him. I can feel the regret radiating off him, but I'm not sure if I can feel it because I'm an empath or his soul mate or perhaps he is literally radiating regret. Seems like ive been having trouble differing the two a-lot when it comes to him recently. I nodded and turned my head back to look at the maze.

" You have to understand. I didn't know what finding you was gonna bring. I didn't know you were gonna be my soul mate and trust me when I say this, Rory may have feelings for me, but they are not reciprocated. In the families, it would be frowned upon if I did not have a relationship with a Crest; we were paired together when we were young. Had Alexandra not taken you away from the coven, we would have been matched most likely. Rory and i have grown up together, Luna we are not dating. I- Im sorry. I don't know how i can make you understand. "

I shook my head, " It isn't fair to Rory or me. You started something new before you had closed the chapter with her, even if you say you arent dating. I didn't even know anything about her, and you have had plenty of time to tell me. I am really hurt, Archer. I know my worth. You need to figure out your priorities because i know mine." My voice softened as I reached the end of my rant, and I felt emotionally drained for my small outburst.

Archer reached for my palm and cupped it gently, "you are right, I am sorry." he said in defeat.

I kept my hand in his for a couple more seconds, then pulled away... " I know you are. "
I stood and walked away from him, and it took everything in my bones not to turn around and jump into his arms.

But I can't.

Not only did he hurt me, and he also hurt Rory.

As I turned the corner running away from my soulmate, my face smacked into a hard chest and 2 arms wrapped around my waist, " we need to stop meeting like this," A voice chuckled.

I took a step out of his arms and looked up to Lennon, " I'm sorry, I guess I need to start announcing where I walk, perhaps a bell would work too."

Lennon's deep chuckle filled the empty hallway and I laughed quietly.
"Yes perhaps a bell would be good," I said making my way around him to walk away

He caught my wrist gently, " Oh wait, I was actually looking for you. Can we speak for a moment?"

I looked down the hallway trying to think of an excuse but when i look back his eyes shone with pleading, " Yeah, of course, what's up?"

He let his fingers slip away from my wrist and he straightened up, I could feel he was nervous. " We have the Midnight Ball coming soon, I was wondering if you would go with me? If that would be okay?"

"I-" i opened my mouth to answer but another voice cut me off, " No. She will be going with me" Archer Answered.

I looked behind me to see him approaching with an unreadable expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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