Chapter 6

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I sat curled up with my knees to my chest on the shower floor as thoughts drowned my mind

Waves of emotions crashed onto me and the last 2 days are catching up to me barley letting me come up for air

I contemplated Alexandras offer, Staying here, Training, and then what? Ruling an entire world? Did I have much of an actual choice in this decision just like I did being introduced to any sort of magic in the first place?

Could I leave my parents? The family that raised me and took care of me when I needed someone?

I tasted the saltwater that poured from my cheeks before I understood I was crying, The dull pain in my temples pressuring its way into my head, The once comforting warm water massaging my back has turned to an icy storm pelting me, I stood turning the nob to off and wrapping my self in the provided fluffy forest green towel. I reached the crumple of clothes in the corner and glared at them.

The last thing I want to do right now is put on the rags that I have been stuck in for the last couple days

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the closet door and stare at it for a moment

I wonder if there are any clothes I could wear, I would literally wear a potato sack right now if that meant I didn't have to put those clothes back on

I tighten the towel to my chest and reached for the nob turning it slowly and pulling it open

a small smile spread across my face when I saw the stocked wardrobe

I rushed to drawers and pulled them open, a tan pair of cotton shorts grinned up at me and I reached for them slipping them off and reaching for a regular white tee

I grabbed my clothes and folded them neatly sitting on the bench at the foot of my bed

hi I said seeing if Archer was awake

I waited a moment and heard nothing and let out a sigh crawling onto my designated bed and curled up under the bed

three knocks softly came from my door and I sat up waiting a moment

" come in" I called out

the door opened slowly revealing Archer, His hair was wet indicating he just had a shower. Loose shorts hung on his waist and his bare chest staring right at me

" hi back," he said with a smile

butterflies erupted in my stomach and I patted the spot next to me, He shut the door softly and made his way to me. He slipped under the cover, turned facing me, and laid his hand under his head

" so Alexandra had a proposition for me" I spoke staring at his long dark lashes

he nodded showing me his full attention

" She has asked I stay and train with her for 2 weeks and then I suppose to take me to the coven and I don't even know what after that, Lead an entire country or whatever you would consider it? I can barely present in a highschool class how can i-"

" shh- stop. Luna, you need to stop talking about yourself like that. You are so much stronger then you know. I need you to take a deep breath okay?"

I nodded and let out a slow deep breath closing my eyes softly

" Okay now I want you to give me your hand "

I held my hand to him and he cupped it gently

" Take another slow deep breath"


" Good, now I want you to focus all of your energy right here," He said rubbing gentle circles into my palm

The same warmth from before flowed from my toes to my fingertips and my entire body filled with a euphoric warmth

he grabbed the glass of water from my side table and in a blink of threw it up into the air

I pulled my hand away and braced for the cold splash of water that was to come

but nothing

I peeked one eye open and looked up at the water frozen in mid-air

As if we were in space the blobs of water just stuck in time

" Am I doing this? or are you?" I asked in awe

he smiled proudly, " All you Luna. See you can do so much, so much power that you don't even realize"

I reach out and poke the floating water orb

" This is amazing" I breathed, " Okay but how do I stop it?"

he smirked, " You sure you want to?"

seeing nothing wrong with it, " I mean yeah?"

he shrugged okay, He grabbed my hand gently again and turned my palm

" Okay so just like you did in the start, inhale and exhale"

I stared deep into his eyes and did as told

" Now when you exhale, all the power you feel, release from your fingers to your shoulder"

I rolled my shoulders back and exhaled letting all the energy leave me body

I smiled softly until I felt the cold water drench us and I gasped loudly

I stared wide-eyed at Archer who was unsuccessfully held in his laughter

I probably looked like a cat drenched in water with my wide eyes, " ARCHER" I gasped

" What-" he laughed," YOU DID THAT YOURSELF"

I shake my hair at him like a dog and he shielded his face from the water headed his way, he reached out with his hands on both sides of my head to stop the movement

i looked at his face and his tired eyes shone back at me

Thank you i said

instead of answering he rested his forehead on mine and we just stayed like that in each other presence, bathing in the safety of each other for a while

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