Chapter 1

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We sat in silence as he drove towards an unknown destination.
My fingers fiddled in my lap nervously as i worked up the courage to speak, I had calmed down my breathing but my nerves were still through the roof. 

"Where are we going?" I blurt.
He glances at me for a brief second then pulls his eyes back to the road

He lets out a deep chuckle that makes warmth flow through my body and deep dimples appears on his cheeks
"That is the first thing you are asking me?"

my cheeks flush but i roll my eyes trying to seem not embarrassed,
"It only seems the most relevant at the moment "

He smiled softly but yet didn't answer the question.

the car fell silent again and i clear my throat trying to ease the awkwardness,
"So do you always go around saving strangers from unknown forces or are the unknown force?"

He chuckled again " Nah, only the known ones ", He ignored the second part to my question.

I smiled softly but realization hits that i have no idea who exactly i am sharing a car with at the moment
"Sooo thank you for ya know , saving me but uh-" i scooted a little closer to the door " stranger danger."

"You see me in your dreams so I can't be that much of a stranger",
I gape at him in shock not able to fathom his words.

"Don't worry, I dream about you too. " He said sending a wink my way

"What does that even mean " i question trying to understand, more or less to myself.

"It will be easier to explain when i can show you , we are almost there," he says avoiding my questions again.

"I don't even know your name or even how old you are.  "I state desperately.

he smiles widely, "I'm Archer, Archer Ambrosia, and i got 20 years of living under my belt."

i nodd, "Im Luna , Luna Crest , 17."

he glances at me shocked "You kept your true last name ? huh."

I look at him with confusion, "You know I'm adopted ?"

he shrugged, "You do your research on someone who keeps invading your sleep." He gave me a duh look

I rolled my eyes, " Well i know nothing about you because frankly i assumed you were a figment of my imagination."

"Yeah I would too if i saw someone that sexy in my dreams ", I scoffed at his arrogance as he put his car into park.
My eyes land on a auto shop and i look at him confused.

"Is there something wrong with your car?", he chuckles and unbuckles his seat belt silently getting out.

I follow suit and follow him into the shop, he gives
a nod to the woman at the front desk and walks towards the back room.
"Are you gonna tell me why we are here. " I say my patience wearing a bit thin.

He gives me a side glance and grabs the nob to a door with the label 'Blinker Fluid Storage'.
" what- blinker fluid its not a - " My words die in my throat as he pushes back the door revealing a large room with high ceiling filled to the brim with books and a large wooden table smack dab in the middle, the scent of old books fill my nose.

I push past him slowly walking into the beautiful room, stunned trying to take everything in quickly as if it would disappear in a blink.

"This is some harry potter shit." I mutter under my breath

He chuckles clearly hearing me "You have no idea. "

"huh? " i questioned.

" Welcome to the Archives ", he shook his head and approached one of the large walls filled with book
" The Crest records please," he says loudly

A large book shimmys its self off the shelf and floats elegantly to the large wooden table.
Archer walks towards it taking a seat and points to the chair next to his.

I walk over and can't help but stare at the large old book in front of us.
I look at him expectantly.

"This is your family records and History "He explains.

"My real family ? I mean, Birth Family.  I couldn't find anything on them and The adoption agency wouldn't help me when I asked." I stared at the book in shock and at Archer.

He nodded his head and observed me as i observed the book, he gently grabbed my hand and lifted towards the leather cover

"Only a crest can access the book. "
he laid my palm flat on the book and retracted his hand, his warmth escaping my fingers.

he placed his hand on my thigh and spoke softly
" Close your eyes "
I did as told and let them flutter shut. 

my heart becoming loud in my ears but it wasn't alone

we draw our powers from emotion so it's important that we can control them and access them 

My eyes shoot open , his voice clear in my mind
he exhales while his eyes are still closed. 

close your eyes , focus on the book

I close my eyes once again and try to focus on his words

Relax Luna , take a deep breath . You can do this

it's hard to think with your hand on my thigh

He lets out a chuckle and my face instantly warms.
I forgot this weird thing was a two way channel.
Pushing away any embarrassing or pervy thoughts i focus all my energy on to the book.

A warmth starts at my toes and navigates its way through my body and down to my palm that is resting on the book.
Just as a feel the warmth fade the then tightly shut book, is now only being held shut by the weight of my hand. 

I open my eyes and stare at the book stunned, my eyes dart to meet Archer's miss-matched ones
he wears a soft smile,
" Well your identity has been proven Ms. Crest. " he says softly

"Your eyes are so pretty " I blurt

he looked at me surprised and smiled softly still looking slightly taken aback. 

"Only you can see them, and me of course." He quietly admits looks away opening the book.

"In the witches coven there is a monarchy , the three pure bloodlines. The Crest's , The Ambrosia's and The Hastings . Your family is the Rulers of the Coven. "

He turns the page revealing hundreds of names all connected by series of other names. A family tree. 
He turned until he reached a half empty one , he pointed at a gap.
" This is where your mothers name was but after she left the coven they had it removed , her name is Alexandra " he pointed to the spot next to her name,
" Celeste is your aunt, she became the replacement queen. Your mother is the oldest so the title belongs to her and if she for some reason cannot accept it, the process becomes sped up and it is given to her eldest child but with her gone and you with her it was passed along to her sister. "

" Why did Alexandra leave the coven , where is she now?" I questioned

he shrugged " I'm not sure, she just vanished into thin air without warning, and no one knew she was pregnant until recently."

"So what does this all mean? Witches are not real. What happened back there , why are you in my dreams? I need answers Archer. Real ones . Now"

He nodded and flipped a few pages.

" Get ready Luna , I'm about to blow your mind "

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