Chapter 3

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my mouth hung open as Archer pulled up a beautiful skyscaraper " This is where you live ?" i asked in disbelief

he shruged " only when im in the city " he said vaugley

he parked in a underground garage and led me to the penthouse, the flat was very modern and sleek with a large living area when you walked in

This is so beautiful i thought

Just wait till you see the community he said through our chanel

" How does this thing work " i asked refering to the channel 

he sat on the couch and i followed behind him taking a seat in the corner and bringing my legs to my chest

" Can you hear everything im thinking ?"  i really hope the answer is no.

he shook his head and i let out a breath of relief
"They say when you have found your true mate you can feel their strongest emotions , so if you are super happy or sad i could feel it as if it was my emotion. As to how the chanel is opened , you may not realize it but you are opening it, only you can control when and what i hear"

" sooo " i patted my chin with my index finger " what number am i thinking of " i said squinting my eyes

22 22 22 22 22 22 22 i thought over and over

my face probably resembled someone having constipation . lol

" 22" he said, his lips tugging into a smile

i laughed and dramatically laid back staring up at the ceiling and sigh " This is all so werid "

i could feel his eyes on me analyzing my every move

" Im sorry you were brought into this , You had a normal life and  -" he started running a hand through his hair.

Feelings of guilt flooded my body but i knew they didn't belong to me

i lifted my head to look at him " Archer This is not your fault. You didnt make me be born into this world of magic " i said shaking me head

" Luna i can feel your heart hurting -" his voice cracked slightly " Since we touched by the coffee shop , i can feel in my chest your anxiety and i want to fix it but i know there isnt anything i can do "

It was strange being able to feel an emotion that doesnt belong to you , i could feel his sencerity and the pain he felt for me not just with me

Our souls are pretty old huh , I wonder how many lives we have lived together I thought changing the subject

Yeah , i've been brought up learning about our souls and the soul mate you end up with and it still drives me insane about how unique and Lucky we are to be able to experience it different than humans he replied

We talked for awhile about anything and everything

it was as if i had been held underwater for so long and when i talked to him i was finally brought up to breath , I may not know him well but my soul , the way i reacted to him was natural as if we had known each other forever and maybe we have , the way his laugh enveloped my whole being and made me feel warm and his smile just coaxing me to smile also

i lied in bed of one of the spare rooms and closed my eyes trying to drift into the world i was so familliar with

sweet dreams Luna

i smiled softly to myself

Goodnight Archer

I dont know what will happened but i know as long as im with Archer, he wont let anyone hurt me and i know deep down i will never let anyone hurt him

Her icy blue eyes caught mine as she made her way towards me , she stroked my cheek and analyzed my face

" My sweet Luna , You now know who you are. I am sorry i cannot be there with you now but i promise i am trying my best "

" Mo-om " i choked out

" Trust nobody except Archer Luna " she looked behind her into the dark vacant area " I don't have much time left, Luna listen they are coming for you now, Leave with Archer, You will find me where Love and Sorrow entwine. Please be safe , I love you Luna "

I gasped trying to catch my breath , My heart beat thumped loud in my ears and i feel the cool condensation slide down my cheek

Loud rapid steps made their way down the hall way and my door flung open revealing a very frazzled Archer

" Are you okay?" he said frantically rushing to my side

i nodded and slowed my breath as he rubbed circles onto my back

once i was finally able to think i cleared my throat "Archer we have to go "

he nodded knowingly " she reached you? " he asked quietly

" mhmm" i nodded feeling the panic creep up my body " Where Love and Sorrow entwine" i repeated out loud


                    PLEASE DONT HATE ME


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