Chapter 9

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                        In a way, I felt like I was prepping for battle. I could see the nervousness in Alexandra's face, however, I couldn't tell if it was because it was her first time back to the coven since she ran away or because she was bringing me along. Probably both.

I wasn't sure what to expect, we had been driving for a while and I leaned my head against the cool window and felt Archer give my thigh a light squeeze with his right hand as he drove with his left, I could basically feel the jittery-ness bounce around in this now feeling claustrophobic car.

" Ready? " Archer asked aloud to Alexandra and i.

I looked around the car and saw we where still in the middle of nowhere, my brows creased and I opened my mouth to speak but my jaw hung as the world around us wobbled like rain pelting a puddle,
My eyes widened as we drove into the cascading world, the nowhere-ness transformed into a bustling city with beautiful architecture. I had never been to Paris or even barley out of my small town but if I could guess how it would look, this was it. The tall pristine historical buildings surrounded us and I tried to permanently memorize all its beauty.

   " Welcome to The coven or also known as Haven. "

      As we drove deeper into the city the buildings started to think until we pulled up to a long stone-paved driveway, we followed the brick road until coming to a halt at the beautiful steely gates.
        Before he could even roll his window down to punch in a code or maybe say a spell? Still very confused, the gates creaked opening up.
               We parked in front of a large mansion that honestly looks more like a castle. As we got out of the car a girl around my age came running out from the large stone doors basically tackling Archer, wrapping her self around him

   " Archer Where have you been, I have been so worried," she said pulling away checking him for injuries with worried eyes, she shook her head and pressed her lips to his

        A strange feeling erupted in my stomach and I felt like my body was just lit on fire
            Was I jealous? no. Well, maybe a little? okay, a lot.

  I am so naive to think this handsome basically prince charming guy wouldn't have a girlfriend, but as immature it is of me to be hurt he never mentioned her and he fully let me believe he was interested in me

   she pulled away after felt like a treacherous amount of  time, and finally noticed Alexandra and I awkwardly lingering behind them

    " Aunt Alexandra? " she stuttered detaching her self from Archer and approaching us cautiously

" Hello, sweetheart, it is a pleasure to meet you finally," Alexandra spoke softly and the shades hid her eyes not revealing anything

     " I can't believe it's you, Mother is going to be so happy. Please come inside, it is your house too" she said grabbing my mother by the hand pulling her up the steps, I trailed behind slowly and Archer stayed in his spot waiting for me to pass him

    " Luna-" he said in a pleading voice as I passed him and he reached for me

I flinched away from him, the pain still presents in my chest, " Don't." I hissed passing him entering the stunning estate


           I sat uncomfortably beside Alexandra as we waited for -, well I don't know her name but um ill call her cherry? cause she is a redhead I guess, her to grab her mom

    They entered with completely different facial expressions. Her mother an older version stood next to her with a strained and disbelief expression while her daughter, Cherry, radiated excitement.

                  " Alexandra " Celeste breathed

" Sister," Alexandra said in a calm voice with a smile

" Please let's go talk in the chamber," Celeste said turning away, walking leaving Alexandra in the room, I looked at her with questioning eyes and she grabbed my hand looking into my eyes

                      It will be fine, ill be back

I nodded and our hands separated as she got up leaving me alone

     well not really, but I truly felt it when I looked over to see cherry in Archer's lap, one hand on his chest and the other twirling a stray hair on his forehead. I felt like I was actually going to be sick, I looked up trying to make the warm salty enemies from escaping the comfort of my eyes

  I cleared my throat trying to stop the bile from rising and stood with my back to them, I headed to the door just needing to clear my head

          " Luna" Archer called from behind but I didn't dare turn to him

" Uhm- I am just going to run to the restroom" Before he could answer I walked through the threshold and bolted down the hall looking for any type of sanctuary.
       I strolled aimlessly around the halls for a bit just exploring until I stopped in front of a large beautiful wood door carved with a crescent moon and a sun.

  I shouldn't, I shook my head and retracted my hand from the gold door handle. I mean.. One look won't hurt, right?

I pushed down half hoping it was locked so I wouldn't commit this total invasion of privacy but something inside me told me I had to enter

As I pushed open the doors and stepped in I stopped dead in my tracks in embarrassment


Alexandra and Celeste stood at the head of the room near a large desk

     " Oh- I'm sorry. I was looking for the bathroom " I lied trying to make an excuse

" How-" Celeste said with confusion on her face

Alexandra smiled widely, although her sunglasses were still on I could see the pride in her eyes, " Luna, Please come in. Close the door behind you" she spoked gesturing for me to join them

As I got closer I could see Celeste body poster change defensively, " Your eyes" she whispered in disbelief

I already knew about the last witch with violet eyes so I was unsurprised by her reaction, I smiled shyly and broke the very intimidating eye contact

               " and how did you get in here? This room is bound. Only queens can enter"

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