chapter 4

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" do you know were we are going, "I asked stretching my sore limbs in the passenger seat

We left his apartment after I calmed down and have been driving for a little bit now, we haven't talked much. There is so much to say but I know we both don't know how exactly to start it

he nodded and tightened his grip on the steering wheel

I gulped feeling his panic

"I can feel it too," I say quietly but I know he can hear me

he glanced at me then looked back to the road,
"I know, I'm sorry, I just am trying to wrap my mind around what is happening too. I mean granted, I didn't have a human's normal life growing up as you did but As normal as life can be in the community. Even just not too long ago my life was 'normal' but when I started to see you in my dreams I knew I had to find you, but the difference was I knew what I had to do to find you while maybe you just thought I was another strange dream that would happen sometimes."

I smiled softly, I'm being self-centered and inconsiderate thinking I'm the only one being impacted here

" well, I'm sorry too. I'm sorry that our lives are crazy and I definitely think it's just going to keep getting crazier " I said trying to lighten the mood a bit

he chuckled and I could feel the relief roll off his body as his muscles relaxed a bit

" You know Luna, I don't know what the future holds for us, I don't know if we are meant to be together romantically or just platonically but you are my soul mate either way and we will get through all of this chaos together," he said reaching for my hand and holding it

I smiled and watched our entwined fingers as we settled in a comfortable silence

" So That woman is my mom?" I spoke

"I think so, last night I guess because you were in so much distress I was able to see her too. I don't know much about Alexandra but the blue eyes obviously mean it might be her," he said thoughtfully

" so if you are dark does that mean you are bad?" I asked shyly

" sometimes, Once you transition into the dark you are no longer able to access light magic but that doesn't mean you aren't able to be good, Magic has a lot of loopholes and that means if you are able to fight your dark nature you may be able to reach a certain amount of magic that is not necessarily only light but not dark. I know it doesn't make much sense, but Typically nature spells are not Light or dark but sort of in the grey area. The more dark magic that you use the more you become dark and are unable to do the right thing. I'm sorry if I'm confusing you" he said rubbing his thumb over mine

I shook my head " I think I get it, so what is a nature spell?" I questioned

he looked at me and smiled "I could just tell you or I could show you " he said cryptically

the excitement coursing through my body and I sat up looking out the windows of the car, at the fields of yellow dying grass that we flew past and the dirt road that only we occupied

" well, what are you waiting for show me !" I said taking my hand out of his

a twinkle showed in his eyes and he rolled down his window " watch the field "he spoke softly, he switched his hands as his right now held the wheel while he gracefully felt the air through his fingers out of his window

in seconds the yellow grass was becoming clusters of vibrant colors
Beautiful colored flowers bloomed as we pasted by the fields and I couldn't help but stare in awe

" do you like it ?" he asked pulling his hand back in the car and rolling up his window

I watched as the beautiful flowers quickly blended back into the yellow grass as we drove " Like it? I Love it " I said grinning

" That was so unbelievably beautiful " I shook my head looking at him

he smirked " Ill teach it to you one day, but I think you could do it on your own "

" I wouldn't even know how to do magic. I mean yes, in the woods and the book thing but to be honest I'm still trying to figure out if I'm dreaming and this is actually happening " I confessed

he laughed and shook his head

His emotions changed quickly and I felt anxiety flow through me but not my anxiety

" what's wrong," I asked automatically concerned

" We are about to be there. Where love and sorrow entwine." he said quietly

I nodded my head slowly confused " okay, I get you are nervous but there is something you aren't telling me, Archer," I said getting a pit in my stomach

he glanced at me quickly " Okay so I didn't really want to mention this before but obviously we know you mother has been chosen for dark magic so I assume in order to get to her dark magic is probably involved and just be prepared because it could really be anything, okay? No one has been able to find your mother sense she left so it's obvious we are only going to find her because she wants us too. "

I nodded trying to mentally brace myself for, well I don't know what

we drove in a tense silence and grey clouds crept on top of the sky roaring and groaning with thunder

I looked at Archer and he gave me a supporting smile

we pulled up to a dirt road that had beautiful arched trees shielding the path

instead of driving through the tunnel of trees, Archer stopped at the entrance

" Where Love and Sorrow entwine "

I looked at him confused " what?"

" a battlefield, Long ago this road divided 2 witches in love but forbidden to be together because of fate. These trees are the fallen witches that fought against their love. A Romeo and Juliet story, that cannot be complete without tragedy."

" He was dark and she was light ?"

he shook his head no " She was dark and he was light. "

my heart ached for the strangers and I felt the pain of the witches that had died

" So this is it then "

he nodded and took his foot off the brake slowly entering the darkness

the world around us rippled as we drove past into invisible barrier

" Did that really just happened?" I gasped

" a barrier spell," he said with amazement " To anyone driving this road they would just drive through it to the other side but because she wants us here we have entered... I guess the best way to describe it is a different realm"

I nodded as we pulled up to 2 iron gates overgrown with vines

the gates slowly opened and Archer pulled forward

Here goes nothing..



new chapter :)


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