Chapter 11

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              As my adrenaline-filled my veins I tried to remember everything from the last 2 weeks of training

     As if time was slowed down, I looked up at the energy ball hurdling at my body, and just as it would collide with my body I reached out my hand and caught the energy ball as it hovered by my palm

     I looked up to see Lennon grabbing Rory who had a dumbfounded look on her face. He was  placing a metal bracelet around her wrist, locking it with a key, Archer rushed to me but stayed a few feet away

     I looked at the ball of energy in my hand and took a deep breath as I slowly absorbed it all, watching the fiery red threads lace through my skin, as it dissipated completely Archer rushed filling the space between us, " Are you okay?" he said as he held me to his chest.

     The shock started the set in and the rush I once felt was gone leaving me feeling drained although I had just absorbed so much energy. I nodded ' yes ' unable to get the words out and he ushered us out of the room, pulling me down multiple hallways until we reach presumably the room I would be staying in

       Archer led me to a chair in the room and if I wasn't in such an off place I would be gushing about how stunning this room was, he sat me down and kneeled in front of my eyes searching. " Please talk to me Luna" he begged

                              " Get out" I croaked

                              " Luna I'm not le-"

I cleared my throat " Archer. Get out now." I said calmly

       I could see the internal battle he was having but he stood and I flicked my wrist opening the door for him, and when I saw he passed the threshold I flicked my wrist again slamming the door

       I was once again left alone to my thoughts and I tried my best to keep myself above the water

                                  I checked the clock and as the clock struck 12am I realized had been cooped in the room all day sulking.

           I grabbed a sweater and tugged it around myself tightly as I headed for the door. I followed the    
   endless hallways, trying my best to not make a sound as my bare feet padded against the carpeted floor. I passed a hidden hallway and backtracked   
         looking down it before I proceeded with caution. I walked curiously to the last door and pressed my ear to it before reaching for the nob and slowly twisting it.

                                    It's not locked...

I push the door open and step inside quickly before anyone can see me, I turn to look at the room and smile wildly.

The Kitchen

my tummy grumbled and I laughed, looks like it was fate. I admired the large industrial kitchen and snapped out of it when my stomach grumbled once again

I walked over to the pantry and found pasta noodles, I picked them off the shelf and raided the fridge for the rest of my desired ingredients

I sat on the counter as I waited for the water to boil and stared at my feet as they dangled off the counter and the pasta cooked

the door creaked open and my head whipped to the side to meet 2 doe Green eyes... The little girl stopped when she saw me and froze

"It's okay, you can come in," I said gently, lifting myself up and of the counter and sitting criss-cross on the floor

she reluctantly approached me hiding behind her raven locks, she peeked up from her curtain of hair and analyzed me

" you hungry? " I asked as I heard a boil of the pasta, she nodded and I smiled widely getting up searching the cupboards for bowls

the kitchen didn't have proper seating so I took a seat on the floor and she mirrored my actions. We sat in silence as I slowly ate, she devoured it. As she finished she handed the bowl out to me, " More?" I questioned she nodded and I filled it up this time

As I sat back down the door opened revealing a middle-age woman with matching raven hair, " Mae there you are" she said with a worried expression, " Im so sorry if she was a bother" the woman apologized to me

" Oh, no she wasn't at all. Are you hungry? I made to much pasta" I offered

" Oh that is very kind, you don't have-" I cut her off shaking my head already filling a bowl for her, " I want to"

she nodded and wearily sat on the floor also, " Im Luna" introduced, " This is absolutely amazing Luna, Thank you. Im Gemma and this is my grand-daughter Mae. Are you a friend of the family?"

I looked down at my bowl and thought what the best answer would be... Honesty is the best answer. " Um no. Alexandra Crest is my Mother."

Her eyes widened and her lips grew into a grin, " Oh sweet Alex is back is she? I remember when she was just a girl. I knew you looked familiar, You look just like her. So stunning. But if she is back and she brought you..." it was like I could see the gears turning in her head as she put the pieces together " You turn 18 soon don't you?"

I nodded, " 2 weeks"

" I can't imagine Celeste and Rory didn't take that very well," she said almost humorously

" You can say that.." I muttered, " You should have seen Rory when she found out Archer was my soulmate"

" You are kidding! Archer Ambrosia?! " Gemma exclaimed

I chuckled and gave a tired nod

" She had been pining after him all these years but he was saving his heart for his soulmate. I can see you are upset, I now assume it's him. Whatever he did, he probably did to protect you. He is a good person."

" Are you an empath also?" I asked

she shook her, " Oh good heavens no darling, Servants don't have magic."

" What? Why not ?"

" Many years ago a beautiful witch Kendra, fell in love with a servant boy James. Being in a relationship with the family workers was unheard of and basically forbidden. At first, her family assumed it was just a childish love she would grow out of... Well, when her parents started to try to court her to other boys from other royal families she told the truth and their love had only progressed. James was her soulmate, and she refused to marry which halted the unification of the royal families. Her parents were beyond upset. Being a crest, they had a very big influence in the council and on the other royal families so they proposed, well basically demanded to have all magic removed from servants. Removing the magic would make it to where it was near impossible for witches to find their soulmate if they were mortal. James wasn't able to feel the connection and the intensity that witches share with their soulmates, so ultimately James left Kendra as she was a reminder of the very thing he could not have. So here we are now, living out the consequences of tragic love."

" That is so unfair, I am so sorry. I am really glad I didn't grow up here, I don't think I would have survived." I admitted

" Oh honey, Don't let my stories of the past scare you. It is not all bad, and for us, we make do" she winked reassuring me

I couldn't ignore the weight that pressed on my chest and the guilt that suddenly took over my body as if I was at fault for taking their magic.

" well I should get this one to bed, she is gonna be in a food coma. I will see you in the morning, Luna. It was truly a pleasure meeting you" Gemma reached for me and wrapped me in a hug before lifting Mae on to her shoulder and leaving me

I grabbed our bowls from the floor and started washing the dishes lost in my thoughts

The first thing I'm going to do if I am Queen give these beautiful kind-hearted people their magic back.

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