Unexpected Visits & Secrets

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A/N: I suggest wearing headphones while playing the song, makes it extremely better!
Sorry if the chapter is bad, I have not been in the best mood.

Sasha's POV
"Last night was surreal." I say to the girls while grabbing a piece of bacon. "Which part? The victories at the royal rumble or the celebratory sex afterwards?" Rhea asked with a smirk causing my eyes to widen. "Hey! I'm eating my cereal here!" Toni shouted at us and I look down in embarrassment. "Ok topic change!" Charlotte says before continuing, "Rhea, how does it feel to have a Wrestlemania spot just there with your name on it?" She asked Rhea who shrugged. "It's nice knowing I have the opportunity to have my Wrestlemania moment but I'm not sure who I'd face yet." She said and we all nodded. Toni finished up her cereal and put her bowl in the dishwasher, soon after my phone started to ring. "Who is it?" Rhea asked curiously and I shrug before taking it out to see its my mom calling. "It's my mom, better take this." I say before answering. "Hey mom! What's up?" I ask and she sighed. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "Oh nothing I just miss seeing my babygirl, how's it going in Orlando with the rest of the girls?" She asked. "It's going great, I do miss Boston a lot though, I might come by Boston for a visit and see you as well." I say as our conversation continues.

Later on that day around 6 pm

Sasha's POV
I laid on the couch looking up at the ceiling. "I'm bored." I say as I purposefully fall onto the floor. "Have children, they keep you busy and not bored." Toni says to me. "Charlotte! Your girlfriend is telling me to have children!" I yell from across the house. "Toni why are you telling Sasha to have kids?" Charlotte asked her and Toni shrugged. "Just to be fair I know Sasha and she's not the type to have a child while at the top of the woman's division right now, adopt a child maybe but Sasha isn't going to stop wrestling for 9 months just to have a child." Rhea says and I nod. "Yes! See Rhea understands me!" I say practically shouting. "Toni if you want a child adopt a puppy and see how that last." Rhea said and Toni gave her a dirty look. "I'm going for a walk anyone care to join? No? Ok!" I say as take off my ring and quickly make my way out the door.

Charlotte's POV
"What's her deal?" I ask Rhea and she shrugs. "I just let her do her sometimes. I don't want to suffocate her with my presence, since we do see each other every single day since we live in the same house." Rhea responded as she placed Sasha's ring on her finger and I nod with her in agreement.

Narrators POV
Sasha went out for her walk and took a trail to a beach near by. "I feel like life is going by too fast sometimes." Sasha thought to herself while she found somewhere to sit down. "Hey Sasha!" A very familiar voice called out which caused Sasha to stop in her tracks. "It can't be, it doesn't make sense if it were to be." Sasha thought to herself before slowly turning around to see a woman standing across the beach with orange hair. "Becky?!" She said shocked. "Obviously!" Becky said to Sasha and went over and embraced her in a hug. "What are you doing here? Like seriously why are you here?" Sasha asked her and she smiled. "I've been back and forth from places and I came to Orlando for a change." She explained to Sasha. "Oh wow that's...crazy!" Sasha said in response. "Let's catch up, I know a great place just down the street." Becky said and Sasha shrugged. "Why not? What's the worst that could happen." She thought to herself.

Sasha's POV
Becky and I began walking down the street to the place she suggested and we walked into a bar and took at seat. "So Sasha what's new in your life?" Becky asked me and I shrugged. "Been wrestling for almost 4 years now with WWE, got married 2 years ago in April, and living my best life with my wife and our two best friends." I say before ordering a drink. "You're married? That's weird seeing there's no ring on your finger." She said and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever Becky, what's up with your life?" I ask her as the bartender hands me my drink. "Told ya I went from place to place just to find something but never did till now, so I'm just enjoying that time." She said.
The night went on and Becky and I have been talking and drinking but I've been doing more of the drinking then she has. "Jeez Sasha you had so much to drink and you're still ordering more!" Becky said to me. "My goal is be blackout drunk and forget this afternoon." I think to myself as I shrug off what Becky said and gulp down my two shots of tequila. "Let's go Becks!" I say while standing up.

Narrators POV
Becky and Sasha left the bar, Sasha completely drunk and Becky slightly. "We can head back to my apartment.." Becky suggested and Sasha nodded. "Lead the way." She said and Becky ordered them an Uber. Minutes went by and Becky and Sasha made it to Becky's apartment. Sasha entered and made her drunk self feel at home, kicked off her shoes and found a bed to lay in and Becky followed her into the room, lying down right next to her. "Nice weather we're having?" Sasha said heavily slurring her words and Becky smirked slightly before kissing Sasha deeply, Sasha was extremely drunk so she barely knew what was going on so she went along with the kiss which turned into much more.

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