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A/N: Only made this chapter cause it's my best girls birthday.

Narrators POV
As days passed from the Becky situation the following day such as today happened to be Sasha's birthday and friends (and wife) had some great things planned for today.

Rhea's POV
I woke up around 6:30 this morning and got ready for the day, once finished I gave Sasha a kiss on the forehead knowing she wouldn't be up till 11 am, I went downstairs to find Charlotte and Toni waiting for me. "Well morning you guys." I say and they respond with a 'Morning'. "So Toni you're getting Sasha's balloons since it's an effortless job." I say and she nods before heading out. "And I'm assuming I'm getting Sasha's gifts?" Charlotte said and I nodded. "Yes ma'am, and I'll get her mom from the airport." I say and grab my keys. Charlotte and I left the house and parted ways, she went to her car and was off to get the gifts and I got into my car and drove to the airport.

Narrators POV
Toni went out and got the balloons and flowers for Sasha then headed back to the house. As for Rhea she was still in route to make it to the airport to pick up her mother in law for Sasha's birthday dinner, she continued the drive for the next hour and a half to pick her up from the airport. Charlotte headed over to the place she and Rhea hid Sasha's gifts, knowing how Sasha is if they hid her gifts in the house she would've found them by now. Charlotte loaded up her car with all Sasha's gifts except one of them since Rhea will be getting that one. As the time moved forward and was now 9:30 AM, Toni and Charlotte had made it back to the house and got everything set up for Sasha as for Sasha's mother and Rhea they decided her mom would stay at a hotel for the time being and join them later on for the dinner.

Time skip a little later

Rhea's POV
I left Sasha's mom at the hotel and made way back home thankfully the hotel wasn't too far away so I made it there 30 minutes before it hit 11. I got out the car and went into the house to find it perfectly decorated. "And you both did all of this?" I asked them as I shut the door. "Duh! I'm also finishing up breakfast, I also made Toni put a few balloons up in the room along with a few flowers." Charlotte said and I jaw almost dropped. "You guys are amazing, literally!" I say with a small smile. "Are we bringing her breakfast in bed or is she coming down here?" Toni asked. "I say breakfast in bed cause it's her birthday, least I can do is bring it to her." I say and Charlotte rolls her eyes as she puts the food on a plate. "Rhea you had this all planned out weeks ago so really you can say bringing her food is the least you can do when you got her plenty of gifts, her mom to come to Orlando, a birthday dinner and thats more than the least you can do." Charlotte said and handed me the tray of food. "Now go upstairs and wake her the hell up and sing happy birthday!" Charlotte said as she grabbed the gift we all pitched in to buy for Sasha. We headed upstairs into me and Sasha's bedroom. I handed the food tray to Toni as I gently shook Sasha.

Sasha's POV
I woke up to Rhea gently shaking me,"Good morning and happy birthday my love." Rhea whispered into my ear and kissed my cheek. I smiled a little as I sat up and looked around to see the room filled with balloons and roses. "Aw you guys!" I say happily. Toni placed the tray with food on my lap before sharing a look with Charlotte and Rhea, and before I could even ask about the look the three of them sung happy birthday which caused me to smile as I ate. "Happy Birthday soul sister!" Charlotte said and handed me a gift bag. "What could possibly be inside?" I asked and she shrugged. "I have no possible idea." She said with a wink and I opened the bag to find two boxes with sneakers inside. "Ok this is the best birthday morning ever!" I say with the biggest smile on my face.

Narrators POV
As the day went on Sasha opened gifts and got calls and texts from friends and fellow wrestlers wishing her the best 29th birthday. "Hey Sasha we have a couple more gifts you haven't opened yet." Rhea said as she handed Sasha a two gift bags, one having a stunning white dress and the other with shoes to match the dress. Sasha opened the gifts and gasp loudly as she looked inside and pulled out the dress and heels. "I'm lost of words wow this dress is amazingly beautiful!" Sasha said. "We'll go put it on and do your make up cause we're going out." Toni said and Sasha smiled and nodded as she went upstairs to get ready. Rhea, Charlotte and Toni got ready as well, Rhea put on a suit that went along with Sasha's dress and did her hair nicely. Rhea's headed out the house to get her last gift for Sasha and also get Sasha mom. About 30 minutes later Charlotte slipped into a black and white dress and black heels, she went to Sasha to see how she was doing along with how great she looked in the dress. "Holy shit Sasha, you're stunning stunning, like if we weren't besties or in relationships I'd date you type stunning!" She exclaimed and Sasha smiled. "You're so weird but thanks Char." Sasha said. "I have to blind fold you also." Charlotte said and blind folded Sasha and they made their way downstairs. Rhea had already picked up Sasha's mom and Rhea left Judith (Sasha's mother) in the new car she (Rhea) got Sasha which is a black Ferrari as her final birthday gift. "Charlotte can we take the blind fold off?" Sasha asked. "No ma'am not yet but soon." Charlotte said and guided Sasha outside. Toni shut the door behind them with both Sasha and Charlotte's bags in hand. "Ok I'm gonna take it off in 3....2.....1...." Charlotte said and then removed the blindfold off Sasha's eye. "Oh my gosh! Oh my fucking gosh!" Sasha said as she went over to the car and greeted her mother. "Mom oh my god hi it's been forever since I seen you!" Sasha said as she eyes filled with tears of joy. "I know, but you should be thanking Rhea she flew me out here last night and did something so amazing for you."Judith said as she exited the car and hugged her daughter tightly. "Happy birthday darling." Her mother said and released the hug. Sasha smiled at her mother then walked over to Rhea. "Thank you for the best birthday ever babe." Sasha said and kissed Rhea deeply then hugged her.

I hope you guys enjoyed the story/chapter cause I actually liked writing this. Happy Birthday to those whos birthday just happens to be today as well.

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