Babysitting Time

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A/N: Big thanks to Session_moth7444 for helping me with the title of this chapter.

Sasha's POV
I woke up beside Rhea who was still sound asleep. I went to the bathroom, showered and brushed my teeth and got dressed then went back to the room. "Hey wake up." I say as I slightly shake Rhea, it barely did anything to her she just turned over to her side and continued to sleep. I stopped for a minute trying to figure out what else I could do. I got out of bed and headed over to Toni's room and knocked on the door then entered. "Toni?" I called out as I looked around. "In the closet, what's up?" Toni said as she put an outfit together. "I thought you came out the closet years ago...anyway I'm bored and Rhea's sleeping." I say and Toni looks at me with a smirk. "I've got the perfect idea!" Toni said with a smile as she slipped into her sweats and one of Charlotte's T-shirts, Toni then made her way to my bedroom with me following behind her. We entered the room and Rhea was still sleeping of course, Toni got on the bed and stood up and flagged me over with her hand to do the same. Once I got on the bed Toni began jumping and I did the same. "She's gonna be pissed." Toni said with a laugh as she looked at me and I shook my head. "Just hoping we make it out alive." I respond while looking at Toni as we continued to jump, little did we know Rhea had woken up and was staring at us as she sat up. Rhea grabbed both mine and Toni's leg and pulled us both down onto the bed so we'd stop jumping. "Well that worked..." Toni said looking over at me. "Morning babe." Rhea said to me as she side eyed Toni. "What have I done?" Toni asked Rhea. "Well you've been waking me up like this for years so it just makes sense you'd put Sasha up to this." Rhea answered as got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to shower.

Toni's POV
Sasha and I made our way downstairs since Rhea was showering. "I'm starting to think we cause chaos together." Sasha said to me and I roll my eyes. "You're funny." I say in response as I turn on the tv. "Video games?" Sasha asked with a smirk as she sat down holding the controllers and I nod as a smirk appeared on my face. "Your on, but we're playing every wrestling game in history for how ever long it takes!" I say and she nods. "Fair enough." She responded. I sat on the couch and Sasha handed me the controller as we began to binge play the video games that was until Sasha and I both got a text. "What does yours say?" I ask Sasha and reads it quickly before looking at me. "A friend of mine is asking if I can babysit their 2 year old for a few days." She responded and I sigh. "You're lucky, I have to go to work." I say to her. "Have fun!" She said and I roll my eye as I head upstairs to get my things ready.

Narrators POV
As Toni got her things packed to head to work, Sasha texted her friend back agreeing to watch their child. Catherine (Sasha's friend) arrived about 20 minutes later Sasha agreed and sadly Toni had left 5 minutes prior to them arriving. Catherine knocked on the door and Sasha answered. "Oh my goodness it's been forever since I've seen Avery, she's getting big." Sasha said as Catherine and her daughter entered. "Thank you a lot Sasha for agreeing, if there's any problems just give me call." Catherine added on as she handed Sasha Avery's backpack before leaving, Sasha went along and shut the door behind Catherine as for Avery she already made her way upstairs into Sasha and Rhea's bedroom. "Aw fuck where'd she go?!" Sasha asked herself, Avery entered the room and tugged on Rhea's jeans trying to get her attention although she scared Rhea in the process. "SASHA WHOSE TINY PERSON IS THIS?!" Rhea shouted from upstairs. Sasha bolted upstairs and into her bedroom. "That would be my friends kid that I'm baby sitting her name is Avery, Avery this is my wife Rhea." Sasha said to the child as she picked her up. Avery looked at Rhea in admiration. "Aw she must like you." Sasha said to Rhea. "That's the first." Rhea responded.

Later on in the day.

Rhea's POV
'Sasha left me with the child great!' I think to myself as I head to the kitchen to get a drink, I look around in the fridge to find something to drink. "hi" Avery said from behind me scaring the literal fuck out of me. "Jeez kid what do you want?!" I ask starting to get flustered. "When Sasha come back?" She asked and I shrugged. "I could ask you the same thing kid." I say as I grab a soda and a juice box and shut the fridge. "Alright Avery back to the couch we go." I say and she runs over to the couch. I sat on the couch and handed Avery the juice box. "Please try not to spill the juice." I say to her and she nods. Avery and I just sat in silence for the most part, I didn't really know what to do with them. "Wanna watch tv?" I ask her and she nods. If I learned anything while being friends with Toni it's that children love cartoons, I turned the tv on and switched it to a cartoon. Half an hour went by and Sasha finally returned with donuts. "SASHA!" Avery said in excitement, way to excited since she squeezed most of the juice out of the juice box. 'At least the couch is fine, but my pants are now soaked with apple juice.' I think to myself as I roll my eyes. I guess it was obvious to tell I was pissed since Avery and Sasha both looked over at me, Avery's facial expression went from happy to slightly sad. "I sowwy..." Avery said feeling ashamed as she hugged me. Although I was mad and not much of a kids person the hug from Avery felt nice, melting my heart in some sort of way, I didn't feel angry at all actually. I hugged her back. "It's all good kiddo." I say to her.

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