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Rhea's POV
It's an early Saturday morning and I left Sasha in bed since she was still sleeping. Avery and I were the only two awake in the house since Toni and Charlotte won't be back til tomorrow evening. "Hey Avery, do you like waffles or pancakes?" I ask her and she looks over at me. "PANCAKE!" She shouted. "Alright kiddo." I say as I began making them, as I flipped the pancakes I looked over at Avery who was looking out the window. "What's so interesting out there Av?" I ask her as I place a pancake on a plate for Avery. "Morning!" Sasha said coming into the kitchen. "Hey beautiful, how was sleeping?" I ask her and she smiled. "It was wonderful, wish you stayed with me a little longer." She said as she began to make coffee. "Well I'm sorry I had to feed Avery, plus I was hungry too." I say as made a few more pancakes to feed Sasha as well. A few minutes passed and I finished making the pancakes, I placed two on Sasha's plate and the same amount on mine and Avery's. "Alright kiddo time to eat." I say as Sasha helped her into a chair. "Yay! Food!" Avery said happily as she picked up the fork and began feeding herself.

Narrators POV
Hours in the day went by and Sasha, Rhea and Avery were currently shopping at the local mall. "I'm gonna head into Forever 21 but we'll meet up in the foodcourt?" Sasha's said to Rhea and she nodded. "Alright, Av and I will be looking around." She said and gave her a quick kiss before the two parted ways. Rhea and Avery went up into a store, and on their way in a woman looked at the two. "Your daughter is just so adorable how old is she?" The woman asked. "Oh thank you, she's 2." Rhea said as she and Avery walked into the store but it then hit her what the woman had said. "Wait shes not my kid!" She said in her head. As for Sasha she was looking around for some shirts until her phone rung, she grabbed her phone from her bag. "Hello?" She said into the phone. "Is this Ms. Banks?" The woman said. "Mrs. Ripley, my maiden name is Banks but yes this is she, what seems to be the meaning behind this call?" Sasha asked the woman. "Well I'm sorry to say but your friend Catherine Kepner is in the hospital due to getting into a car accident she's sustained several injuries which lead her to be in a coma for the time being, when she came into the hospital she barley showed signs of life so we don't know if she'll make it." The woman said to Sasha through the phone. "Oh my god." was all Sasha said as she hung up. "I've got to tell Rhea this." She said as she texted Rhea to meet her asap in on the main floor.

Rhea's POV
Sasha sent me an emergency text and I quickly picked up Avery and made my way to the main floor and looked around for Sasha, I found her not to long after looking around. I ran up to her and saw her looking down. "Hey, hey wants wrong?" I ask her and she let out deep sigh. "Catherine's in the hospital and she's barely pulling through." She said as she placed her head on my chest. "If that's the case then don't you want to go see if it it could potentially be your last time seeing her?" I ask Sasha who was now balling her eyes out. "Yeah, that would be nice.." Sasha said as I pulled her into a hug. "Hey everything will be ok." I whispered in her ear as we walked to the exit.

this is all I've got but there's more got the next chapter.

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