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After last night I knew so much about Matthew.

He plays football, has a weird obsession with bagels, lives with his brother in a town near San Diego as well, and he dreams of being someone in the movie business when he's older.

There's much more but I can't go on. I'm such a stalker.

I told Darcy that I was over him because he was a football player, and I think she believed me.

We have a strict policy not to date Football players because well they're players, in both ways. They just want what you can give and nothing else.

School started on a Tuesday which means tomorrow is Wednesday and we have our LP classes (Life Preparation) .

It also means we go to school at nine instead of seven and we have shorter classes, instead of the full hour and a half of boredom.

I chose to go to a Charter School, with has its pros and cons but it's still a really good school.

We have 4 blocks instead of 8 periods, and our classes change halfway through the year.

When I got my schedule I saw that I had
Physics first block
Spanish second block
Algebra 1c third block
Study Hall forth block

Next term I'll have totally new classes except Algebra cause I got that shit all year round.

My schedule was great, but I have to see Matthew in the mornings first thing because of Physics.

I shook my head and continued to do my math homework instead of review my schedule for tomorrow.

I was sitting on my soft bed, belly flat down, with my laptop to the left and my work to the right side of me. There was also calculators and sheets of scratch paper.

I looked down at the first problem on the page.


This is actually easy.


We laid on the grass as he stared into my eyes.

"I love you", he says.

"I love you more", I whisper.

We both scooted closer and closer, until I could feel the energy from his body radiate onto mine.


I opened my eyes to see my math homework will a pool of drool.

"Ew", I whined.

It was a dream.

It felt so real though, like nothing could stop me.

Then I woke back up to my shitty life. I meant to finish my homework last night but sleep took over.

I sprung up thinking I was it was late, but why alarm didn't go off?

I checked my lock screen and it read 3:24.


I stood up from my desk and put my HW away. Then I quickly washed off my face and brushed my teeth.

After all that I ran to my room silently and swiftly, trying not to wake my parents up.

I then put my hair in a pony tail and quickly fell asleep under my warm covers.

This bed is my savior.

I took a couple blinks before it all faded away.

Tomorrow I will see Matthew again.

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