My Awakening

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The night sky was beautiful. I sat on my roof gazing the stars. The sky was a dark blue color. It was like a mixture of black and blue water paint. There was enough sunlight left to see the gray fluffy clouds in the sky. The only thing that could make this moment more perfect was if I had someone here with me. I felt alone, I craved the existence of a body to cuddle with as we both gazed up at the stars together.

There's something beautiful about the word 'together'. It fills in the empty hole of loneliness and makes you feel complete.

But I was cursed to live a life of loneliness, so I could never feel complete. Even at my age I still can't talk to boys without stuttering or sounding utterly stupid. The only boy I've ever been ever to talk to was Matt, and I barely knew the kid.

There's something completely different about Matthew. He's strange in an attractive way and his personality is brighter than the sun itself. Matthew had plenty of friends, yet he would walk around the halls with his head down, as if he was being rejected by the world.

I don't understand him. And what he told me the other day about Conely has been bothering me each day. I don't like the way he stares at me and how he's always trying to start a conversation with me about my personal life.

I need to find a way to talk to Matthew, I need answers.


I went back inside and picked up my phone and went straight to Instagram. I'm following a ton of people that are sophomores, maybe one of them are following his account, if he has one.

I scrolled through name after name, the accounts never ended. Then I found Noah, one of Matt's friends, I eagerly scrolled through who he was following until I finally found Matthew. The only thing was keeping me from sending him a DM was the fact that Matthew's account was private. So I sent a request and put my phone in my back pocket. I went back to my window and climbed to the flat roof of my house. I had previously laid a picnic blanket on the roof so I could lay down and watch the stars once more. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I looked at the screen to see that Matt has accepted my request and sent me one as well.

"Okay?", I whispered to myself.

I sent him a DM which said, "Can I contact you like over SMS, we need to talk about 'him' ".

I waited for a response.

"Phone Number: (619) 933-2838, take a screenshot because I'm going to erase this conversation in 10 seconds", it read.

I took a screen shot and sent him an iMessage.

"It's me Cris", I said and pressed send.

"Use another phone besides the one you're using right now", he replied.

I grabbed my blanket and went inside and shut my window. Then I went to the bathroom to get my mothers phone, since she always leaves it there to charge while she sleeps.

I quietly creeped my way to it trying not to wake anyone up.

I took the he phone back to my room and dialed his number to call him, because now I was really confused.

It rung a few times until his voice hang through the speaker.

"Hello, Cristina", he asked.

"Yes I'm here", I replied.

"Who's phone are you using?", Matt said.

"My moms", I replied.

"Listen, Conely is a very smart guy, he knows more than just Physics, he also knows how to hack. He could very well be watching everything you do on your phone, since he already has your phone number. You need to understand that Conely is a sick man and will stop at nothing to get what he wants, which in this case is you", he said.

"Why me?", I asked scared.

"You're beautiful and its easy to fall in love with your personality, maybe that's why", Matthew replied.

I didn't know whether to blush or feel frightened.

"I'm not trying to be creepy but where do you live?", he asked.

"In Downtown", I answered.

"Okay, you know the 7-Eleven on Fletcher?", Matt said.

"Yes, it's right down the street", I replied.

"Meet me there tomorrow at 8:00 and we'll discuss this in person", he says.

"Okay, till then", I said.

"Till then", he replies.

I hung up and sighed.

"Till then", I said after a moment of silence.

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