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The rest of the school day went good, but all day the only thing I could think about was Matthew.

Why heart, why him?

If this ends up badly I blame my stupid heart for thinking it was a good idea.

But as of right now I'm sitting on the bus with a stupid boy being the only thing on my mind.

The buss makes a stop and I realize it's mine so I get up and walk up to the front of the bus.

The bus driver stays bye as I walk past him returning the bye.

The bus doors close then a loud roar from the engine starts up again.

Slowly the noise fades into the distance leaving me with silence.

"Well Then", I whisper to myself.

I walk at a quick pace to get home fast. I passed the Pizza Hut which ment I was almost home.

There I was, walking home to an empty home on the first day after school and the only thing I was worried about was him, Matthew.

His smile was so bright it blinded me, and now I can't tell what's wrong or right.

By the time I get to the front door, I am craving his presence.

I open and shut the door, then walk upstairs to my room. I set my backpack down and flop on my bed.

"Ughhhhhhhhh", I groan.

My phone rings and its a text from Darcy.

D: hey little lady.
C: what's up
D: guess what I did?
C: I'm not sure I want to
D: haha, well I found a certain little someone on Facebook
C: you mean that ancient website that only our grandparents and parents use, then I'm not interested in who you found.
D: okay then, but it's that cutie who you ran into at school today.
C: Matthew?
D: yup
C: what really?
D: yeah, but you're not interested so bye.
C: WAIT NO, I take that back
D: meet me in 5
C: okay be there soon

I ran downstairs and grabbed my what I like to call "adventure bag". I use it whenever any of us, by which I mean our group of friends, want to meet up we go to this abandoned house in the center of town. It's not like no one knows about, almost everyone knows about that spot and hangs out there, but what they don't know is the hidden latch to the roof.

You see, one day when someone through a party at the abandoned house, me, Darcy, Maggie, Jazzy, and Bella were trying to avoid getting raped by the stupid drunk boys at the party. So we wondered around and we all dared each other to go to the attic. We all didn't want to because it was dark out, but something made us. We all eventually went up there and what we found was an empty, small room which was nothing really fascinating, but there was another latch. It lead to the roof of the house. Once we all arrived up there what we saw took our breathes away. All of San Diego's city lights could be seen from the roof of an abandoned house. I should've known, since our town is located in the hills, but I've never seen a city so beautiful in my entire life. Which was only 15 years, but still.

So anyways, we were going to meet there. I packed my duffle bag/purse with two Arizona's, a blanket, a jar of pickles, and sunflower seeds.

As I walk out I realize my parents won't know where I'm at so I leave a sticky note on the front of the fridge since they never check their text messages.

It said.....



I left the house locking it behind me and headed up the trail to the house.

After walking about 2 miles I reach the house. There were some teenagers already there. I walked past everyone and up to the attic.

Darcy was already sitting on the roof waiting for me.

She looked at me and said,"Okay so here's the deal".

My Little FlowerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora