High School

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Yay! First day of High School, just great. I love the massive amount of homework each night and the stress and depression. Just sums out everything I wanted in life.

I Honestly just can't wait to get out of high school, and It just started. Four years of misery and torture stored ahead.

My name's Cristina Belco, but I don't really like my name so I tell people to call me Cris, yeah it's a boy name but at this point I don't care anymore.

I like the color blue, alternative music or any good music, white daisies, and I'm all up for Tumblr.

Oh and last thing I absolutely positively hate school.

I Hate It With A Passion.

And today is my first day of high school.

I used to think what could be worst than middle school, then God answered me and made high school.


My eyes slowly open as I hear the annoying ring of my phone's alarm clock go off.

"Ughhh, shutuuup", I groan to the alarm clock, but then I remember it was my first day, so I had to get up and go.

I rushed out of bed and to my closet. I search through my clothes to find the outfit I had already planned on wearing on this blessed day. I put on my clothes and go downstairs to the kitchen, I made a lunch, and breakfast for myself, Then I rushed to the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror for awhile, I hate myself, I hated everything about me.

I soon snap out of it and put some make up on.I never really liked using foundation it felt too heavy, so I use BB cream and powder, nude eyeshadow, a thin line of eyeliner, and occasionally mascara.

I was done and it was 5:40,

I sat on the couch and waited to leave in 5 minutes to walk to the bus.

I went on my phone and scrolled through Twitter.

There was all this drama about YouTubers. Blah Blah Blah.

I looked at the time at the top of my phone and it read 5:44, good enough.

I got up and went out the door.

It was still dark outside, and I had to walk through a little field to get to the bus stop quicker. I used the flashlight on my phone to guide me through the dark.

After five minutes of running through bushes and dried grass I made it to the concrete where I could see a Pizza Hut and other little business. I walked up the street towards and walked at the corner where two streets met. I saw a couple people there waiting. I guess I'm going to the right spot.

I crossed the street as soon as the crosswalk light turned on. Then I awkwardly stood next to the people.

We all waited for about 2 minutes and the bus stopped right in front of us. I took out my pass as my fellow bus companions walked towards the bus' doors.

I was the last one to get on the bus, but once I was on I was greeted by a nice looking lady who I then showed my pass to.

We went through a couple more stops and then the bus made its way to the freeway.

"I don't wanna go to school, Oh Lord Please don't make me go", I thought to myself.

No answer from the heavens.

Ugh, looks like I'm going.

I looked outside the windows as I put my earbuds in, making it look like some sad part of a movie. Then someone tapped my shoulder, I turned around to see this boy who was maybe 2 years older than me.

"Can you pass this up", he said as he passed me some garbage.

"Sure", I said grabbing the trash and handing it to the person in front of me.

I thought I was gonna make a friend or something but nah, it was just trash.

The bus ride had been thirty minutes and now I was on the street of my new high school.

The anxiety and butterflies were going crazy inside of me. I took out my earbuds and put them away in my backpack.

I'm not ready for this.

The bus pulled to a stop leaving us in the parking lot in the back of the school. Everyone got up and started to make their way out of the bus. Eventually I got up too and walked out of the bus following everyone else.

I followed everyone until they all split up to go to their own little groups. I looked around for mine. I pulled out my phone and texted my best friend.

Me: Where are you guys?

Darcy: I'm Here.

Me: Where's here?

Darcy: Hah I'm actually not there yet, #loner

Me: I swear to god!

Darcy: Have fun, I'll be there in a bit.

Me: such a good friend

Darcy: The very best there is

Me: Stop texting me and get ready

Darcy: I don't wanna

Me: Fine I Don't Need You Anyways

Darcy: lying is a sin honey, of course you need me

Me: My God

Darcy: Fine I'll get ready, bye

Finally. I took a glimpse around to see if I recognized anyone, then my eye caught someone recognizable, it was Maggie. She made eye contact with me and smiled. I started to make my way towards her but I ended up bumping into someone. I turned real quickly and said sorry and continued to walk by. I finally reached Maggie as she opened her arms wide open to give me a hug.

"Maggie! Oh My God, I haven't seen you in forever, How was Italy, Did you meet any cute boys, How was the food?", I said all at once.

Maggie giggled and replied with,"Good, Good, Good, and speaking of cute boys", she stopped and smirked at me.

"What?", I questioned.

"That boy you just bumped into was HOT", she said exaggerating on the hot part.

"I didn't really look at him", I said.

"Well you missed out", she said winking.

"Stop being so perverted", I said while rolling my eyes.

"I will when hot people stop being born", she said with a serious face.

We both broke out laughing. More and more people from our past Middle School joined our little circle, we all talked about how many times we're gonna get lost today. Then finally Darcy came.

"It's about time", I said sarcasticly.

"Yada Yada Yada, its takes time to look this amazing okay", she said while flipping her hair.

She is such a sarcastic person, but you gotta love her.

"Five minutes till school starts", someone in our group yelled.

"Woah", someone else yelled

"Fuck You Middle School", someone else from our group yelled

"This is when life starts you guys, as soon as we step into those classrooms our lifes start, no more being treated like a kid, we're in the big leauges now baby" my friend Bethony said.

We all chuckle and give eachother our last words. The bell rings and my stomache turns inside out.

Life starts now.

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