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I couldn't help but to stare at how good Matthew looked in his football uniform.

He grabbed my hand and pretty much dragged me to the bathrooms.

"What are we doing here?", I say a bit worried.

"Mr Conely is stalking you", Matthew finally said.

I gave Matthew a glare of confusion.

"What?", I questioned.

"He has done this before to other girls, and I'm tired of seeing it happen and no one do anything about it", he demanded.

"He's done what to girls?", I ask.

"I'll tell you the full story later, we have to go before anyone notices", Matthew says.

"Did you text me and say to meet here", I say remembering the random text messages.

I heard footsteps. We both turned to look at a familiar face which appeared around the corner.

Conely froze. He stared at us in shock. His glare was cold and gave me shivers.

"I'm sorry, I just needed to uh"

He cleared his throat and continued

"use the restroom", Conely said embarrassed.

"It's fine", Matt said looking at me.

I nodded my head and faked a smile.

He walked into the men's bathroom as me and Matthew started to walked/ runner away from him.

It was clear as day now, it was Mr. Conely. He was the creep who was texting me.

After awhile of speed walking me and Matthew finally reached the football field where the crowd of people all looked confused.

"There he is", someone yelled.

"Where were you", the coach said dragging Matt back into the game.

"A boys gotta pee when a boys gotta pee", Matthew joked.

The coach looked at me.

"Yeah, you went to "pee" ", he scoffed.

I looked away from the coach shyly and walked to my friends. I passed by people as I tried to get back to my spot on the stands.

Once I got there they were in a trance. They focused on the sweaty men playing on the green field, not paying any attention to me.

I sat and pulled out my phone going to my conversation with Conley and blocking the number.

Why would Conley choose me?

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