Chapter 57

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As of now, this is sadly the last chapter of Crimson Lace. I was planning on writing an epilogue but felt that nothing fit. This chapter seems to bring everything to a close. However, that is not to say that there won't be one in the future... just not at the moment. I do plan on adding bonus chapters (of your favorite couples) and extra scenes just for fun, so be sure you are following me! And there is a chance that there may be a second book... (I'm still considering) Anyways, thank you all! And I hope you enjoy the final chapter!


I'm amazed at how quickly the world changes. Earth is constantly moving, rotating on its axis and orbiting the sun. We are just along for the ride, dots on the surface of this planet. No reason why we can't make an effort to stand out, though. No one said that we couldn't rule this ride that we are stuck on.

The black silk on my dress is so dark it refuses to catch the light of the golden chandelier as I sit relaxed in my opulent throne at the center of my courtroom.

Every breath in this extravagant gown reminds me of my old life. A time when dresses were all I had access to, but now . . . now it is a choice. Now I choose what I wear based on my mood. For reasons, I am not sure of. It just seems fitting that my emotions be displayed to all based on the outfit of my choosing. At least now, people know when I am approachable and when it isn't a good idea to mess with me.

My mood right now is particularly stormy with a hint of fire so a black gown with golden embroidery was perfectly fitting to show these unwanted guests of mine just what kind of queen they are dealing with this afternoon.

The silk runs softly down my legs, dark and luscious. My curves are free without the restriction of a corset. Although, my head is rather stiff with the iron crown hitching a ride. I had it molded into spikes and studded with red diamonds. A style choice more than anything else.

The line in front of me refuses to get shorter as various Nobles—from all different parts of what used to be Rivara and the Northlands, but is now an empire named after my mother and ruled by multiple sovereigns—come far and wide to complain about the new laws and measures. It turns out, Nobles don't appreciate having their Serf slaves ripped away, nor do they like being considered equals with the very people they deemed unworthy of such things.

I'm tired. The pressure of this immense responsibility is already weighing me down. But I could not be more content. This is everything I have ever wanted. I have always known the power of my voice, but never have I found a way to make people listen. Yet, here I am. Ruler of my own world. Queen of my own kingdom. I now have the authority to fix our society.

The sound of the large doors swinging open, turns everyone's heads.

I don't have to look up to recognize those proud footsteps. Nor do I startle as he comes up beside me, taking a seat on the arm of my throne and leaning down to press a kiss to my lips.

The whole room seems to blush as they watch him straighten the collar of his black suit.

Like my mood, he too is wearing black. The color of cool and calm. The color of the night and storms. Alec shifts so that his arm is resting over the back of my throne. "These fools aren't boring you, are they, my love?"

A slight smirk curves the corners of my mouth, but I try not to break character. Still, I reach up and hook a hand over his chin, pulling him down so that our eyes align. The golden-yellow glows like fire at the caress of my thumb over his jaw. I send a thought into the inner workings of his head. We should get out of here, I reply, keeping a slither of pressure in his mind to feel for a response.

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