Admitting the past

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What happen

You passed out


I saw his corpus

It not worth it

Please let the pain stop

It not worth it I promise baby

I love you to the end earth I love you so much

I set the gun down and collapse in my boyfriend arms

He just held me for the day I sobbed so hard

The next day

I found the same sister

Sit down

Everytime you guys are positive move closer but everytime you are negative move apart

Why don't you start off

Why did dad love you more

Because you were stupid


This song always makes me cry

I started singing When we were younger by Adele

I love you sister

I love you so too sister

See I told you

I have big secret of my own

She straight

Nope I'm pregnant with Christian baby

Rosy the first day I meet I knew you were the one well you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife


I love you

Love you too

I have questions


Can tell us your life story we been dying to hear it yes

When I was around 9 years old my father started drinking and drinking cane abuse verbal physical abuse but over it grew to more of a preparation I didn't feel to go hone to my parents at all in fear of getting hurt. One night I was bed and my dad walked in and he raped me. He left me in the cold nothing naked sobbing. I remember going to school and I had multiple teacher reach out to me the one teacher who was like a father figure let's call Mr Brandon he was amazing I was coming to school with bruises and punches one day after he ask to speak with me. He ask am I begin abused I told him and the very next day I was place in the foster home. I was looked over multiple and abused by the head master. I escaped and the very first time I was free and I had chance to escape I thought suicide was best option for me I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel for days at a time. One night later December I was going through shit and I decided to take my life. My grandma happily invited me over for dinner. I ask if I could take a shower she was sure. I took my razor and I slit my wrist and I started losing consciousness I was like I was free but in the back of my head don't do this you have so much more to live for. At that moment I fought for my life and my grandpa found me and they took me the hospital and my grandparents became my guardian. Then my grandpa died I had to be placed in my godfather custody when that didn't work I decided to live in the streets that my story

Round of applause

You did great babe


After my story people were asking me question about how to deal with this

Rosy what happen if you don't want to be alive anymore

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