The perfect storm of chaos

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I stood on the ledge of the building sobbing ready to jump down below people started to gather

Don't jump

I heard

No I'm sorry I need to leave

You are perfect just the way you are

I'm brittle Scars

You beautiful

No one wants me here

I do I care about you

You don't understand the pain I have been through

Use music don't try dying it not worth it i promise I been on ledge of the bridge before but I sang my feelings out don't do this please

I love you so much

I looked down

I took a step off and immediately he grabbed me and pulled me his damsel in distress

He walked me to the conselor office

Please sit

I don't need this

Yes you do my teacher put his hand on my back it okay to feel unloved but I love you as a student

Do you have a parent to call

Yes but my father is alcoholic

I see so you don't have a stable home life

Can we close the door


My dad raped me and I'm pregnant

My teacher look at me with concern

How long ago

Like five weeks ago

My teacher face was green

I have too step out

How long are you

Five weeks ago


Yes Ro can I use the bathroom


I went and peed a stick and it was positive and I cried

Here about motherhood

I'm not keeping the baby


I'm getting an abortion

A what now you said

I'm getting an abortion

You can give it up for adoption

I don't want to it my body

How about Mr Christian and you go get ultrasound

I agree

Yes I will

You can off to class

What wrong

Umm how do I say this I'm sleeping with her so how does that contribute to the rape charge

If was afterwards you guys hooked up

Nothing will happen

Okay bye

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