Break up

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The next day I walk into school see my boyfriend kissing up on my ex friend

What is this

Oh hi it not what it looks like

Oh bullshit you kissing Santana

Can we talk

No I'm done with you

Please let me explain

I'm done having you explain things okay

Hey the truth is Santana is hotter than you

Im going to the school about this

Please don't

The truth your teacher baby died so she not coming

Oh this bullshit

I'm telling you the truth

She ask me to be your teacher I said yes but I aslso reveals our secret she told me that we should not date and should keep mutual relationship respect

Hi my name is liar I just saw you kissing that hag over there

I know but it over

How do you expect me to come to school with a knife to my heart and be in this class it not going to work out

It will I promise you

When dosent work out

We will cross that when it comes

First thing is we need to take three quizzes you meet

Santana will you leave


Mr Christian I lied to you

About what

My family my mother is addicted to cocaine my father is sexually abused me for my entire life and my sister is dead because of this school and I'm getting my revenge even if that I hurt people in the process but families comes first

What did I do

You didn't do anything but I need to distract the school for my inside investigation

Are you sure

If you do this I'll give you the best sex in the entire world

The person you subbing is not who she is because I may have done something to have here confused to giving my daughter drugs

This teacher is drug dealer

No no she obtained it

She got it


Tonight we're having information meeting I'm ripping into people

Don't please

Why they hurt my entire family

It going to get your killed

They started this shit with me so I'm finishing

Are you in

No I'm sorry I can't hurt my teaching position

Screw you

Okay I'm sorry

I walked the room all upset

They set up

Good evening tonight we will here a first hand experience of drugs on the family


Hi you may know me as Amanda little sister or Ro if you wondering were the heck my sister is she is dead this summer is OD on drugs

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