The ultrasound

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I sat on my boyfriend lap and wiped the water of his face and I kissed his cheek

We went to my appointment where we received devastating news

They had me undressed and they put the cold gel on my stomach they were searching high and low for me heart beat the word that flow from the ultrasound month is nothing an expecting mother wants to hear

I'm sorry to say the baby has died

I bawled my eyes out

Instead going back to school we went to Christian house and I cried all day on his chest

No matter I didn't get you pregnant I feel like I knew this kid

I no I'm just miserable I just wanted him to hold me because I was really fucking depressed and crying nonstop

The next day

My eyes were red and puffy


Today songs are about death

Why did something tragic happen

Yes I lost my baby

You were pregnant who the dad my father raped me

Bullshit you probably had sex with our teacher

Why the fuck can't you accept that I have life that not fun to live

Then go fucking kill your self

Fuck all of you I'm done with you guys

I walked out of the room went into the stall of the bathroom and couches as tear flooded my eyes

I put my fingers down my throat and threw up because I was so done with life I wanted nothing else then to fucking die

10 minutes past

I took Motrin to ease the acid of throw up so it wouldn't hurt as much I flushed the toilet and I went looked at my stomach I walked on the hall as everyone walked pasted me as tear flooded my eye

I walked down to the auditorium it silent because we had assembly I went and sat in the back and I put headphones out drowned out the sound

I felt tapping it was Boyfriend

Meet in the basement bathroom after this

I ignored it

The next part of this is we need are student singer I stood up took the microphone

I'll be singing if I die young

After I was done I went straight to the boiler room to find low hanging pipe to kill my self

I put the rope round the pipe and I put my head in the loop and I hung myself I was losing consciousness and then passed out

The next I was in the hospital on antidepressants

I open my eyes to hear mumbling

What happen

You tried taking your life the nurse sadly exclaimed

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