Picking of the broken pieces

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I fell knowing I had lost my baby but I still had my knight in shining armor. The school was preparing for my teacher court hearing for our beloved teacher

Are you ready for the trial


Let's go

Please for Judge Andrew

You may have seat

Will Rosy please rise

Hi your honor today I'll be representing Josh for the school

You may have seat

Will Mr T please rise

I'll be representing my client Melissa

Please be seated

Rosy you are the counselor at the school

No I'm an school source office

But I'm the counselor

Your name Christian

Rosy please take the stand

Where we the nigh Olivia died

I spoke to her about her suicidal thoughts because I'm the resource officer I sent her to Josh room


Josh please take the stand

Josh what happen after the trade off with Rosy

Olivia ran off and she ended faced down in the toilet

Thank you

She found in the toilet seat the autopsy it was not suicide fool play at work

Josh are guilty or not guilty

Not guilty

Jury talk verdict

Your honor


Do you think it murder

Yes it up to bring them in


Three minutes later

We have come up with a verdict

We believe Josh is not guilty but we to point finger at the FBI agent over there


Please take the stand

What happen when it was announced that Olivia had died

I was devastated my girlfriend was crying in my arm

My honor he was helping he carried her out to the ambulance it can't be him


Open or close case

Open case

The court jurors

We went back

What happen

The court a juror still active investigation


Come with me

Have set

I'm officer Matthew

What going on

When Olivia was found dead where were you

With Rosy

Then explain the spray can that was found next to Rosy body

Are you accusing me of killing her

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