Falling apart

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Who are you

His ex girlfriend who still has feelings for her

I don't I have wife

This poor ugly thing your wife

What's your problem

What's my problem he doesn't love you just want to get perks


Rosy don't think so Amanda used to hurt all my relationship

You are an asshole why do you love him

He cares for me unlike you hag

Excuse me

What it the truth

He using you

What as tears trickled down my face

It not what you think

Why is your ex girlfriend telling me this

To make you feel bad

Bull shit I know your little game is date a girl have sex with them and send them off but you married this one are you going to get a divorce

I'm not shut up I love you differently

What we were together a three year

Three years of clingy girlfriend not my type

She clingy

Different not like need you 24 hours

Look at her pathetic

Shut up I'm defending my wife she the love of my life

I was the love of you life

You were pure hell

The teacher who dated his student and married her wow what pathetic idiot I am

Amanda you not

I thought I could win you back

Well he now is me

You'll never be the women I was

Get out to my life now

The girlfriend left

I will never let one of ex's get in our way you are the one and only person I love

I kissed her on the forehead



What's love

You need to love yourself before loving someone else


Knowing your confidence will help you through thick and thin of life

I can't do this speech

What's it about

Loving myself

That's a deep one

I know

Let's go

I sat in the back of the classroom

This girl is timid rip on front nervously speaking

She eyes me as tears start welling up in her eyes

It okay I mouthed

She smiled and continued on


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