Telling him the truth

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I went to my locker to get something

Ro can we talk

I went into the girls bathroom and sobbed a lot of tears

I went into my classroom

Hey how you feeling


Yeah I know I'm sorry

It was a mistake that I did that

Can we talk about the baby


Why didn't you tell your father was abusive

I went home and he saw my Hickey he freaked he then he did the most heinous crime ever

I think I want to adopted the baby

Are you sure

If we're date yeah maybe

I saw Santana looking at me

Why exactly did you try killing myself

I felt alone and my depression was a verge of tears I'm messed

You are beautiful

Oh shut up

I'm serious I'm in love with you

No way you are

Well after are one night stand I mean our pretty one heck of kisser

Oh thanks I blushed

Let's practice our song

Exactly I choose we found Love

I love it

We practice for a little bit and we got lunch and just talked

I have question


I don't think Santana is great match for this music club w

I know but she rightfully got in we have respect that decision

Her toxic self is going to ruined our group

At this point she on probation

Does she know

Not quite yet

She going to freak out

We heard back to school

Good afternoon we have some not exciting news for Santana


You are on probation

For what

Begin a bully

This is bullshit oh I'm the bitch

Hey listen to you pushed Rosy to suicide what the hell was i supposed to do

For how long

Until you get your attitude right

This is ridiculous you aren't even a music teacher

You proof

Okay fine you are

You what Rosy go suck a dick

Wow chill the hell out I'm the teacher I make the decision I don't think you fit for this club you going act like total shit

So you can cuss pretty boy but I can't why

I'm the teacher I make the rule

Why you riding up my ass for this when I didn't do anything

Very funny Santana

Live the rest of your life like that see were it gets you in your life

You telling how to live my life

I'm not but if you don't want to lose all your friends you need to shape up

Shape up this is my attitude

It bad

What an asshole you are

She threw water over her teacher

That's it  get the fuck out of my class

Santana left the room

Nice work

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