Chapter 1

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Footsteps echoed throughout the long hallways of the building. Bright lights and almost golden like decorations lined the walls and rooftops of the building. Long/Short, H/C moved leisurely behind the female as she rushed past many other people to get to her destination. Accidentally pushing past her many friends she knows.
"Be careful frau!" A male voice called out as the female held her folders in her arms.
"I'm sorry Germany! I'm about to be late!" The country chuckled as she ran by.
"Vell jou better hurry, ich vill be zhere soon." He called out as she ran down the continuous long hallway. Passing by more of her friends.
"Almost late again kid?" The girl scoffed.
"You're one to talk Ame!" She said rushing past him and turning the corner while smashing into a wall.
"Don't hurt yourself mon amie, you migh-" The female picked herself up again along with her folders and quickly moved.
"Sorry France! We can talk later." The female country shook her head watching the H/C haired girl run away. The human girl then bumped into two countries.
"Sorry North! Sorry China!" She said before walking into the meeting room.
"It's fine 亲!" China said walking with his friend.
"I wouldn't say it's fine, be careful!" North Korea yelled out as she entered the large meeting room for the countries. The extended seats and desks extended like a quarter of a circle around the entire room. Getting dissected like a cross or X for a walkway in the middle making a plus. In the middle of the chairs and desks was a circular platform saved for the organisations named EU, ASEAN, NATO, and UN.  On the wall was UN's flag with any other flags adorning the whole room. The organisations were all on the circular platform with their crescent desk and seats. The female quickly walked up to them with her breathing slightly laboured. Finally in front of the four she gave them a weary smile.
"I-I'm sorry I was almost late Sir's. I was trying to find my folder with the proper paperwork. Then I got caught in traffic. I am so sorr-" Right as she was going to apologise again UN held up a hand to stop her before she ranted apologies.
"No need to apologise Y/N I am well aware of how much you do for us already. Take a seat here and we shall wait for everyone." The organisation said with a warm smile patting the female's shoulder. Y/N smiled relieved and released a breath of air she was holding in. Sitting down on the side ASEAN ruffled her hair.
"At least you didn't come late." She laughed lightly at his words.
"Yeah it could be worse." She said rubbing the back of her neck as NATO bent down to her level.
"Did America walk by you?" He asked wanting to make sure the American country would be coming to the meeting. The human girl nodded.
"He seemed to be rushing, or that was just me running past him." EU laughed at her and sat down on the elongated seat.
"Don't worry it's Friday, meaning you get two days off after today." Y/N groaned childishly at his sentence.
"You're reminding me of school." UN laughed at his four friends talking behind him.
"I swear we are supposed to be professional." UN said fixing his leaf crown.
"Yeah, but we're your friends and we aren't professional when no one is around." Y/N said making all of them chuckle at her. Right on que they had to act professional since countries started to pour into the meeting room and taking their seats. ASEAN ruffled her hair one more time before standing up along withe the rest of the organisations.
"Hello everyone please settle down...Mainly you America." UN said seeming unfazed by America's lack of attention. Earning a couple of chuckles and laughter in the crowd of Countryhumans.
"Now that everyone is calm let's get down to business." UN said fixing his tie and making everyone pay attention to him seriously. The first couple of minutes were him listing off the problems in each country and hearing the others request on how to help. There were the standard arguments when things didn't go out the way few countries wanted but it was manageable. Finances aren't that cheap and the economy in a few places aren't that big. Though it sailed rather smoothly than other days where countries would full on fight each other. Still sitting down in her seat the female tapped her foot impatiently. She was usually the one to help others and do paperwork in the office. However this day was going smoothly and she was sure there won't be much work to do over the weekend. After about an hour of talking about how to fix a few world problems the meeting ended without argument. Not like there wasn't any since most countries just wanted the dull meeting to be over already. As countries started to pour out of the meeting room Y/N grabbed her folders and gave a few papers to the organisations.
"I finished organising the papers and looking into it, now you all just need to sign and it will be final." They smiled at her and nodded letting her leave. Holding her two folders she started walking out of the room breathing out in relief.
"ねえ!Y/N-Chan! Are we going to spend time together this weekend?" Japan asked clearly happy. The neko countryhuman smiled as she waited for an answer. The human girl smiled at her and nodded.
"I don't see why not, just call me like usual when you want me over neko." The asian country nodded and walked away. Someone patted the female's head as she began to walk again. Looking up a fuzzy hat went on top of her face.
"Hey! Russia, please take back your hat." She muffled out as the smell of Vodka left her face showing a tall Russian country walking beside the female.
"Hello Y/N, how are you today?" He asked putting on his ushanka and walking next to the female.
"I'm fine, ready for the weekend that's for sure." He chuckled as he heard her say that.
"Ready for Japan's party, Da?" He asked as the human girl nodded.
"Me and Comrades are eating out, care to join?" The female nodded and walked with him outside the building.
"Just send me the location and I'll see you all tonight." Russia nodded and texted her the location of the food place before waving her goodbye and driving off in his car. The female went to her car and drove home to get ready for dinner. She picked clothes that looked decent and weren't revealing. Along with wearing shoes before she sat in her living room waiting for at least 6:30 pm so she could drive to the food place, whatever the place was.

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