Chapter 5

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The sun was shining brightly on the morning beach and waves were slowly crashing onto the sandy shore. Y/N was wearing a long sleeved swimsuit with matching shorts. She was currently picking up shells at random because she thought they were pretty. It was really peaceful with Japan, France, Belarus, and Ukraine at the beach. Japan and France wore bikinis, while Ukraine and Belarus wore a tight one suit. The four countries were sitting under some tree shade on top of their towels. Walking back to them Y/N started to marvel the shells she had collected.
"I like the beach, especially with you guys!" The female cheered smiling brightly. The others looked at each other and giggled in a mischievous manner. This made the small human girl raise her eyebrow.
"Something wrong?" She asked suspicious of them. France still giggled and waved her off.
"Nothing, nothing mon amie. 'Et's enjoy zhe beach oui?" The human girl eyed her friends suspiciously before shrugging it off and sitting with them. After a short while of chatting together, a sound of cars driving by was heard. Looking up the people who exited the cars were Russia, America, Canada, South Korea, North Korea, and China. Y/N looked surprised as the four female countries giggled at the girl's facial expression. Putting the two and two together, the female sighed.
"What are they doing here guys?" She asked them with a small disappointed look. Ukraine smiled and wrapped an arm around the human.
"Cmon Y/N. You have been single for many years and now it's time to mingle!" She said laughing lightly. Belarus nodded in agreement with her sister.
"She's right Y/N, at least try to get asked out by one of them." Bela whined with a puppy smile.
"And you picked the boys who are my friends and bosses?" Japan rolled her eyes and her tail swayed side to side.
"Come now Y/N-Chan. Would you rather have someone you don't know?" The female nodded and huffed.
"Of course. It would be awkward if one of them rejected me and I would have to see them at work!" She muttered while crossing her arms. France smiled mischievously with the others.
"Zhat's why we will make 'ou talk to every single one of zhem." The girl groaned and sat down on her towel.
"You ain't gonna make me talk to them." She said with a lazy look and laying down on her beach towel underneath a tree with the four countries.
"Yeah you're right Y/N, we can't make you." Ukraine said laying down on her towel with both her hands resting at the back of her head.
"But he can." Ukraine said opening one eye and gave the petite girl a smug look.

The girl looked confused and sat up before someone tapped her shoulder. Jumping up a bit she saw Russia.
"Hello Y/N." He said in his swimsuit which was just shorts. His abs and muscles showing off as he looked down at her. Immediately the human female felt heat rush to her cheeks.
"Oh uh hi -fake cough- hi Russia. What brings you here?" She asked fake coughing to try and cover up the fact that she stared at his abs for a couple of seconds. The four female countries noticed and giggled at her shyness.
"Y/N-Chan! We will get drinks. Go and chat with the guys!" Japan said as the rest nodded and smiled at her encouragingly or smugly. They walked away quickly and ditched her to go to the bar area. Russia watched them leave and cleared his throat making the girl pay attention to him again.
"Well the reason I'm here is because the capitalist and my siblings made me and the others come." The human female mentally slapped her face. Of course they had to bring them all here.
"Ah well, they were just being nice with bringing you along hm?" She said standing up and looking at him. Russia gave her a brief nod and looked at the five other male countries set up their towels and chairs.
"You are going to greet them Da?" He asked her. Y/N huffed and nodded.
"Sadly yes." She said standing up and walking away leaving Russia confused at her words. Going up to America, Canada, and South first, she gave them a small smile and waved. They were all wearing swimming shorts. Ame wore blue ones, Canada wore red shorts, and South wore black.
"Heya guys. What brings you here?" America waved and gave her a bright smile.
"Sup Y/N! We came because France told me and Nada that yall were coming to the beach!They said this one has nice views here." He said brightly. As the human girl nodded and looked at the ocean.
"Yeah there are pretty nice views here." She said relaxing slightly. Perhaps it was ok the guys came here. She just needed to talk to them like friends. Not like potential dates.
"Yeah speaking of views. The one in front of me looks nice as well." Ame said tilting his glasses down and giving her a wink. Y/N's face flushed with red and she quickly grabbed the closest thing next to her and threw it at him.
"Idiot!" She yelled flustered. Canada and South laughed as Ame got knocked out by a large sea shell.
"Hey Y/N, sorry 'bout America. You know how he is." Canada said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah no worries." South said now going to America and checking his pulse.
"He'a gonna live. It's just a sea shell." South responded after checking America's pulse. Canada nodded and dragged America to a towel to lay him down.
"Sorry we couldn't talk much Y/N but I have to take care of Ame." Canada said pulling the unconscious Ame away.
"No prob Nada. It's my fault he got knocked out." She said rubbing the back of her head.
The canadian country gave her a friendly nod and continued to drag his brother to his beach towel.

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