Chapter 4

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It was a regular morning, sun shining, birds chirping loudly, and the calm atmosphere of the house. The female changed into outside clothes and went downstairs to make her breakfast. For the whole day Ukraine, Belarus, France, Japan, and her were going to spend the whole day together. Might as well eat a bit before Japan forces everyone into a cost play or France forcing her to eat mire food like a mother. The human girl cringed at the thought. It's not like she hated dating, it's just that she is cautious with new people. After eating her breakfast she washed her bowl/Plate and went outside. Much to the girl's surprise, Japan was standing at the front door about to knock.
"Heya Nekomi, excited for today I'm guessing?" She asked the Japanese countryhuman. The country smiled and nodded eagerly, her feline tail swaying side to side.
"I have France-chan in my car already! We are just going to pick up Ukraine-chan and Belarus-chan!" She cheered happily. Before
Y/N could react the feline countryhuman grabbed her wrist and started pulling her into the car eagerly. Sitting in the backseat she saw France sitting the passenger seat of the car.
"Hello France! How are you?" The french woman smiled warmly at the girl.
"I 'ave been good mon amie. 'Ou feel same oui?" She asked with a cheerful tone to which the human girl nodded.
"Yeah I'm good." The girl said with a calm smile. She had been an assistant to France and a few other countries so she is fairly comfortable with her. Her assistant job changes from time to time but she is glad that they see her as a friend and not only an assistant. Japan got in the driver's seat and started the car to drive to Belarus and Ukraine's house. Some small talk was exchanged as they drove down the road but soon they had reached their destination. The female got out of the car and Japan and France stayed behind. The reason was because Ukraine and Belarus haven't seen Y/N in awhile and it would be a nice surprise to say hi first. Walking up to the house's doorway the human girl knocked on it lightly. Waiting for a few moments, the door opened. Except it wasn't Bela or Ukraine, the person at the door was Russia. Well it made sense that he was there since it was their house. He had his usual Ushanka on and his black long sleeved shirt and grey pants.
"Hello Y/N, here for my sisters?" He asked with a light smile. The petite girl smiled and hummed.
"Yeah, are they ready to go?" The Russian nodded.
"Bela,Rain! Y/N is here!" He called out as the two girls went down the stairs and greeted the human.
"Y/N!" Bela squealed jumping up and hugging the female happily as Ukie smiled and ruffled the girl's hair.
"Nice to see you N/N." The older slavic sister said smiling.
"Nice to see you both as well. Cmon, Japan and France are waiting. Bye Russia!" The girl said waving and walking back to the car. The two slavic sisters nudged their brother's side making him huff and wave goodbye to them as well. Russia then ruffled both of his sisters hair and walked back inside.

Upon entering the car greetings were exchanged with every single one of the girls. Smiles and hello's were in the car.
"So where to first?" Bela asked fixing her scarf. Japan was about to speak but France butted in.
"Why not a nail salon? I want to paint my nails like my flag!" She suggested as Japan sighed.
"I wanted to go to the arcade." She whined. Ukraine rolled her eyes and laughed.
"We can go to the arcade after, we have a full day to have fun anyways." The older Russian sister said with a smile. Bela nodded at the idea along with the human girl.
"Sounds like a plan, afterwards we can eat lunch then go with the flow." Y/N said clearly excited.
"Let's hit it!" Japan cheered stepping on the gas pedal as hard as she could and speed driving to the nail salon.
"Woo! Girls day!" Belarus and Japan cheered. All while Y/N, France, and Ukraine seemed a little bit concerned for all of their safety. After they reached the nail salon they got their nails done like girls! Japan had blossom flower nails, France had her flag on her nails, Bela had green and red, Ukraine had blue flowers, and Y/N had (your choice) nails. Since that was finished Japan was basically jumping for joy as they headed into the arcade.
"Let's calm down mon ami. The arcade isn't going anywhere." France said giggling at Japan's excited form. As Ukraine came up to the group with a bunch of tokens.
"Hey, I got us some tokens. After we use them all let's head for lunch."

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