Chapter 6

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After Y/N had successfully taken back her F/D from China, she went over to Belarus. The Russian country was giggling with glee upon seeing China and the human girl interact.
"What's got you so giggly?" The female asked smiling and taking a sip of the left over drink that she had.
"It's because you're bonding with China!" She whisper yelled with a cute tiny smile.
"Aren't you supposed to try an get me with Russia?" She asked ruffling the country's green hair. Bela gave the human girl a smug look.
"Oh so you want Russia~?" Bela asked jokingly.
The girl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
"You know what I meant. Cmon, we should head to the boat with the others." Y/N responded, before walking onto the boat and sat next to the now conscious America.
"Hey, you throw hard! Have mercy next time!" The American country whined and rubbed his head. The girl laughed lightly and gave him an apologetic smile.
"Sorry, but to be fair you made me throw it." Ame looked at her through his sunglasses and raised a brow with a smirk.
"Mhm, because you are always so blushy wushy~" he teased while poking her cheek. The female turned light pink while the countries all got aboard the boat.
"Woah Y/N are you ok?" Canada asked sitting next to her while tilting his head in worry. The human girl nodded and pushed away Ame's hand from her cheek.
"I will but first hand be a rock or a seashell. I need to throw it." She said now giving America a scary look with a sadistic smile. Ame jumped up and yelped before standing up and looking at South Korea who was sitting with his brother.
"South! Please switch with me! She's gonna kill me this time!" Ame pleaded while hugging South. The Korean chuckled light heartedly and patted Ame on the back.
"No worries, she won't bite...right?" He asked looking at Y/N.
"We'll see." She responded with a smile. The countries either gave a chuckle or full on laugh before America reluctantly sat next to the female again. Russia gave a thumbs up to the human female.
"Ok, let's head onto the coral reef. Y/N try not to bite the capitalist too hard." He said before starting the boat's engine and sailing off.
"Wait she actually bites?!" The American country wailed in fear. France laughed and waved his comment off.
"Of course not my zon, zhe von't." The french woman said laughing. North Korea rolled his eye while crossing his arms.
"Are you that stupid to not know when there's a joke?" North asked seeming unfazed by the whole scene. The American country huffed and moved his head away, hiding his annoyed expression. China put a hand on North's shoulder.
"You're so serious on a beach trip. Relax Northie." China said with his face calm with a small smile. North pushed China's hand off of his shoulder.
"Don't call me that!"

While everyone was chatting to each other the female stared at the small waves glistening in the sunlight. She got lost in her thoughts as she stared out at the endless ocean. Taking a peek at the female countries she noticed that they were all together whispering. She could pick up little bits of their sentences.
"We could....and then....happy with her...." It was obviously them still trying to get her with one of the male countries. It was sort of annoying but at the same time the female couldn't help but smile a bit. It was nice that they were helping her find a lover but she could find one on her own. Yes she could choose one of the male countries however it would be awkward if they didn't have feelings for her as well. As she thought more and gazed out at the ocean Canada tapped her shoulder.
"You ok maple? You seem to be spacing out a bit." The Canadian male asked with worry. The human girl was taken back upon hearing that nickname. He had always called her by her name. Well it's just a simple nickname.
"Yeah I was just enjoying the view Nada. Anywhoozy, what do ya think of all of us going to see the coral reef?" The maple loving country thought for a brief moment and gave her a silly smile with his tongue poking out a bit.
"It seems fun. Hopefully we can se many fish."
Y/N had nodded at his words.
"Yeah it would be fun to see a lot of them. I heard Coral reefs are pretty colorful." America had heard the conversation and hummed.
"Yeah I've seen a few before. It's very nice." The petite girl laughed lightly.
"Ah you're not scared of me anymore congrats. Also, you're the equivalent of Richie Rich." Ame scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"First, I was not scared just joking around." Canada leaned into Y/N's ear.
"He's in denial." He whispered making her giggled as he pulled away and smiled at America with his arms crossed below his chest.
"Second, Don't compare me to that kid in that movie. I am better than him." He said huffing.
"Probably because you are an adult version of him." Ame huffed and rested his face in the palm of his hand.
"I'm not a child." He whined.
"Hmm let's list some things off. You whine, you're spoiled, you-." The country covered her mouth and sighed.
"Fine, fine, I'm a man child. But not that much!" Y/N laughed and nodded.
"Ok, you're nit that much of a man child." She said as Russia stopped in the middle of the ocean.
"The coral reef is right below us. So just put on your scuba gear." He said now putting on his scuba mask.

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