Chapter 7

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Getting ready for work the human girl fixed up her hair and went downstairs. As she grabbed her keys,wallet, and other necessary items she left her house. Not before locking it of course. She entered her car and started the engine before driving off to her workplace. After a short while of driving she parked her car and walked into the building. She held her items near her as she walked down the halls. Familiar countries walked down the halls or stayed inside their office. Y/N casually walked up to an office labeled Germany and knocked on it. A faint voice was heard behind the door.
"Come in." The human opened the office door and smiled warmly.
"Heya Germany. How are ya?" The german country looked up at the female and smiled back as he adjusted his glasses.
"Ich am gut. Es tut mir leid. ich could not join zhe beach day." The country said putting away his finished paperwork in his desk. His office was slightly large. A window displayed behind his desk and chair showing a nice view of the city. There was also a clean bookshelf filled with files and books that the german country would most likely read in his spare time.  He was wearing a formal suit with a Black tie, his hair kept neatly. The female waved him off and shrugged.
"It's fine Germs, I know you sometimes have to do paperwork." He hummed and nodded at her words.
"Ja, however zhe vork has been piling down." He said smiling at the human girl in his office.
"That's good to hear. Especially since you can do your own things now." Germany nodded towards her and looked at the clock hanging on the wall.
"Jou should be heading to herr Russia's office now. Jou vill be late if not." The female turned around and glanced at the clock before turning back to the country.
"Yeah I should leave. Just wanted to check in on ya Germany. See you later."
She said exiting the office, just as Germany was saying his goodbyes as well.

Striding over to the Russian's office the human girl remembered that her friends set her and Russia up for a coffee date. Sighing in defeat she knocked on the door and waited for him to let her inside.
"Come in Y/N." A muffled voice said beckoning the girl to enter. She grabbed the golden door knob and turned it before entering the room.
"Good morning Russia." She said smiling warmly just as she had done with Germany. The russian country wore a black long sleeved turtleneck with brown pants and his usual Ushanka on his head.
" доброе утро Y/N." He said smiling faintly as he signed papers.
"How's the family so far?" The female joked going to the small desk at the side of the room and doing her paperwork there. Russia chuckled and shrugged.
"Same annoying sisters. However I did not expect them to ask me to date you."
The female choked on air and flushed red.
"I did not expect them to say it to your face so blunt." She said laughing lightly to ease herself from the embarrassment. Russia laughed at the female's flustered demeanor.
"Ah so you did know. Well the coffee date is still up if you want." He asked shrugging and looking to the side slightly.
"Do you just wanna get coffee or really go on a date with me?" Y/N joked with a snicker. The country huffed out and smirked a bit.
"Why? You want it to be?" He asked leaning towards her over his desk. The girl rolled her eyes.
"Now, now, Russia no need to sound so desperate here." She smirked back . The russian Countryhuman chuckled to himself and shook his head.
"Whatever we're doing lets just get it over with so Ukraine and Belarus get off my back." He said walking over to the female and ruffling her hair.
"Sure thing Ruski." She replied fixing her ruffled up hair and giggling slightly at his action.
"Da, let's finish our work though." He said sitting back in his desk and continuing to scan through papers and signing them.

After awhile of work it was lunch time and the decided to drive off to a random coffee area. They chatted as they walked down the office's hallways filling them with light laughter and smiles. Other countries passed by them and started gossiping to each other. Especially Japan, France, Bela, and Ukraine. The female rolled her eyes at the girls and gave a small smile. Russia patted her back.
"Relax people just love to gossip." Y/N huffed and shook her head.
"Of course they do. Not like they have any other stuff that's interesting I suppose." She said shrugging and walking by America,Canada, South, North, and China.
"Woo go get them Ruski!" Ame yelled while smiling at the two.
"Don't call me that capitalist." Russia said turning around an glaring. Ame simply waved him off and continued to walk down the hall. Canada and South started laughing and looking at the two while China and North stared blankly and shrugged it off. Y/N smiled at the two and waved. China gladly waved back while North huffed and gave a small nod. Soon both of them drove to a random coffee place and sat down drinking their preferred drink.

The chatter of others along with the relaxing sound of music made the atmosphere calm.
"What have my sisters been doing? Since they have arranged a coffee 'date'." Russia asked putting up quotation marks with his hands. The human girl laughed wholeheartedly and sighed.
"Well trying to get me in a relationship obviously." The Slavic country gave out a hum and took a slow sip of his coffee while looking out the window that they sat next to. Cars were driving by like rush hour and people were calmly walking along the sidewalk.
"Well is it working?" The country joked while laughing. The female rolled her eyes and smiled.
"I doubt it. We're just friends, I don't feel any romantic feelings whatsoever." She shrugged at the russian man who nodded with a stoic look on his face.
"Well since we have time tomorrow, want to go watch a movie with our friends?" Russia asked nudging his thumb backwards.
"Sure thing. Why though?" The country shrugged.
"I want to help my sisters out too maybe." Y/N laughed and playfully glared.
"What? Not good enough for you Ruski?" The countryhuman chuckled and ruffled the female's hair.
"No, I think I easily have a chance. Just wanna see competition." The female smirked.
"Oh? What gives you an idea that you have a chance?" She asked crossing her arms with a brow raised.
"You're not throwing a seashell at me." He responded

|Nuclear Dragons| Yandere North Korea x reader x Yandere ChinaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin